
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago (1 children)

The splash screen (boot screen instead of text)used to get me. It provided by an application called 'Plymouth'.

You used to need to install it and configure grub, however I think if you go into 'System Settings' and type 'Splash' KDE has an option to install and choose the screen

[–] [email protected] 33 points 1 year ago (2 children)

Wine attempts to translate Windows calls into Linux, its developed by Codeweavers whose focus is/was application compatibility.

Valve took Wine and modify it to best support games, the result is called Proton. For example:

Someone built a library to convert DirectX 9-11 calls and turn them into Vulkan ones, it was written in C++ and is called DxVK.

Wine has strict rules on only C code and their directx library handles odd behaviour from old CAD applications.

Valve doesn't care about that, they care that the Wine DirectX library is slow and buggy and DxVK isn't. So they pull out Wines and use DxVK.

There are lots of smaller changes, these are 'Proton Fixes', sometimes Proton Fixes are passed on to Wine. Sometimes they can't but discussion happens and a Wine fix is developed.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 year ago (2 children)

I thought server side anti cheat was the most effective. Since it can't be modified by clients and tracks clients for impossible behaviour.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (1 children)

If I go here the first result is[email protected]/t/214981/Is-it-just-me-or-have-the-comments-on-Lemmy I have blocked and am not subscribed to any users/subs from there so I wouldn't expect to see the post

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago (3 children)

With KBin you would go to the domain view ( scroll to the bottom of the page and choose 'block'. This was implemented before the fork into MBin

This is how I cut out the endless memes from Blaj, but it doesn't appear to function here

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (5 children)

I'm not sure the approach makes sense from a users perspective.

I would expect the subscribed view: (e.g. to only contain content I have explictiy subscribed to. However...

  • WHEN viewing subscribed view AND post is from a subscribed domain THEN it should be displayed
  • WHEN viewing subscribed view AND post is from a subscribed magazine THEN it should be displayed
  • WHEN viewing subscribed view AND post isis commented by a subscribed user THEN it should be displayed
  • WHEN viewing subscribed view AND post is from a blocked magazine THEN it should be hidden
  • WHEN viewing subscribed view AND post is from a blocked domain THEN it should be hidden
  • WHEN viewing subscribed view AND post is from a blocked user THEN it should be hidden

When in the default view (e.g.

  • WHEN viewing all view AND a post is from a blocked magazine THEN the post should be hidden
  • WHEN viewing all view AND a post is from a blocked domain THEN the post should be hidden
  • WHEN viewing all view AND a post is from a blocked user THEN the post should be hidden

Then when viewing a post:

  • WHEN viewing a post AND a comment is from a user on a blocked domain THEN the comment should be hidden
  • WHEN viewing a post AND a comment is from a blocked user THEN the comment should be hidden
[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Pirate Trainer & Uru: Ages Beyond Myst

I remember trying Pirate Trainer in a Nvidia game booth when VR was new. It was incredible, years later I get a VR headset and its the free game. I don't understand how no one has improved upon it.

Uru was the first puzzle game I thought struck a good balance between physical and mental puzzles. They were set at a level that felt challenging but not impossible and laid out so you alternated really nicely. Myst Online actually went backwards in this

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (2 children)

You could probably stay on the magic roundabout until you ran out of fuel.

But I doubt you could go all the way around a mini roundabout .

The UK Highway Code is focussed on good behaviour when using one. There doesn't seem to be a rule.

[–] [email protected] 8 points 1 year ago (2 children)

I wish a company would build 4.5"-5.5" and 5.5"-6.5" flagship phones, put as many features that make sense in each.

Then when you release a new flagship the last flagship devices become your 'mid range' and you drop the price accordingly, with your mid range dropping to budget the year after.

When Nokia had 15 different phones out at a time it made sense because they would be wildly different (size, shape, button layout, etc...).

These days everyone wants as large a screen as possible on a device that is comfortable to hold, we really don't need 15 different models with slightly different screen ratios.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

I actually researched my list, most the technologies were used internally for years and either publically released after better public alternatives had been adopted or it seems buzz reached me years after Google's first release. So I am wrong.

Between 2012-2015 I used to consult on Apache Ivy projects (ideally moving them to Maven and purging the insanity people had written). As a result I would get called in when projects had dependency issues.

The biggest culprits were Guava/GSon, projects would often choose to use them (because Google) and then would discover a bug that had been fixed in a later patch release (e.g. they used 2.2.1 and 2.2.2 had the fix). However the reason they used 2.2.1 was because a library they needed did. Bumping up the version usually caused things to break.

The standard solution was to ask'why' they needed Guava/GSon and everytime you would find they are usually some function found in one of the Apache Commons libraries. So I would pull down the commons library rewrite the bit (often they worked identically)

Fun side note in 2016-2017 I got called to consult on a lot of Gradle projects to fix the same kind of convoluted bespoke things people did with Apache Ivy. Ivy knew the Gradle 'feautres' were a massive headache in 2012 and told you to use Maven for those reasons. Ce La vie.

We tried using Protobuf in 2008 and it was worse than the Apache Axis for JSON conversion (which feels too harsh to say), similarly I had been using AMQP or Kafka for years and tried gRPC when it was released (google say 2016 but I am sure we tried in 2014) and it was worse in every metric I still don't understand why it exists.

I was using Vaadin in 2011 and honestly thought GWT was released in 2012. I had to use it in 2014 and the workflow, compile time and look of GWT is just worse than Vaadin.

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