I don't know him personally, so if he got quieter or lied (he actually has a statement on his website that, according to you is a lie) about his views, I would not know. Look, I see more than plenty of reasons for one not to like him. I feel people run with media reports even when we have his email transcripts that can be read word for word.
Minsky never raped anyone. The 17 year old girl was sent to him and politely refused. She has even confirmed this. I feel as if he goes to great lengths to speak clearly and people never seem to listen.
I do agree, however, his early views on pedophilia are creepy. I have never heard him support cp, so I won't argue either way.
I wish people would read the published mail thread and not the news articles...he never defended rapists. His quote was quite different. Also, the victim, insofar as her interaction with his old boss, confirmed what happened.
he has never endorsed cp! He has, however, supported any one over the age of 14 having sex, and has changed his view on that a decade ago.
Thank you! That is a shame. I actually looked at PineTab...although very excited that we are finally have organizations willing to work on free hardware as well, right now, Pine just doesn't offer options with the resources I want. I made this long without a tablet, maybe just wait for Pine to get more developed and then circle back
Question: Forgive me if this is dumb, I am old! I know you were referring to the PinePhone in your article, but if these are Arm distros, can I install them on an android tablet? I am looking to purchase a tablet(cheaper side, a little above a budget model), but want to use real Linux.
agreed, if by west, we mean governments. Just as anywhere people are more than that.
lol...as if the US (i live in a territory) actually wants solar! What would the power companies do, if we adopted solar nationally?
That being said...my landlord made my building solar! I have $12 Luma bills now and NO POWER OUTAGES!!! I live in PR, where the electric grid fails pretty regularly. I am lucky.
My shower insight....until recently (when my building got solar) I had very high electric bills...to combat that, i stopped turning on the water heater...it took a while to adjust to...but now, my showers are faster (less water waste) and its better for you...and in my experience this is not a myth. I live in a constant warm climate and I am older...my skin is visibly healthier and my hair is softer...no expensive products...just cold water!
now, although my Luma bills are minimal(due to solar panels), I still do the cold showers, just for the "no-cost" skin care.
but more directly...people (who have it) love those water controls! I remember years ago "hooking up" with a guy in a fancy apartment. He invited me to use shower after, but implored me, "Whatever you do, don't change my water temp setting!" I didn't touch it, but it was my first time seeing anything like this...i remember thinking, "rich people don't even have to adjust their water...they can even control and preset that!"
The US can be worse than Russia...but that doesn't make Russia good.
late to the game... but you got upvoted(Im shocked)! Simply put...the US and Russia can oppose each other and still both be bad!!!!!
The food and water part, no problem. Strangers in my apartment is a hard no! Sorry.