I suppose that's fair, there are just a lot of people here who are here because they quit traditional social media.
Then I guess it's my bad thinking you were trying to show 100 gigabit plans
None of those plans actually do reach 1gbps though, you kinda proved their point with your link
If this isn't going viral on mainstream social media, I fear there won't be much use to posting it here.
The article you linked describes plans reaching up to 1000Mbps (1Gbps).
That's only 2% of the speed of the theoretical 50Gbps maximum OP's article discusses (and 10% of the 10Gbps real-world speeds currently available in China according to the same article). I think you have your units mixed up.
we shouldn't have records systems not subject to FOIA
It's just a suggestion, but I would still report it after the fact and see if there were any traffic cameras or nearby businesses that might have caught it on CCTV.
If you were in the vehicle it's not just property crime mate. I wish you had hung them out to dry for hit and run.
Already having the cat ears definitely saves you money in this situation
I am mildly surprised that it took this long
<700 subscribers in two weeks...