
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 16 points 3 hours ago

Using the McKinsey model...

[–] [email protected] 8 points 9 hours ago

Go to the doctor. Advocate for yourself. Make them take you seriously. I've been extra tired for a couple years and it turns out I have a few autoimmune diseases.

[–] [email protected] 9 points 1 day ago

The trough of dissolutionment!

[–] [email protected] -4 points 2 days ago (1 children)

I'm shocked at how quickly Americans signed up for this... After typing this, I can see this is a me problem.

I guess it has to be said out loud: Don't sign up to give China your data.

[–] [email protected] 9 points 2 days ago

This is how capitalism works.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 days ago

Yes, but is a giant pain in the butt. I guess I don't understand if they do the same things why one sucks less than the other...

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 days ago

It is like a quest I'm on with MS to let them know that poor configuration is the number one impediment to their products. Users can't tell the difference and assume it is always MS, when it is only them a portion of the time. 😉

[–] [email protected] 7 points 3 days ago

I had to give up animal products and soy. At this point, I'd pay the $10/dozen if I could eat one without being sick. 😉

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 days ago (2 children)

Heads up, you can see multiple calendars at the same time. The apps thing is interesting because you can embed things like PBI dashboards into a channel, making it easy for everyone to access. It is possible that the configuration at your work is preventing these things. But even when properly configured, everything is just 16 easy clicks away. Ugg.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 3 days ago (2 children)

I actually like teams because it does way more than zoom for the same cost (I'm the one paying the bills, so that matters to me). My general experience is that people don't know how to fully use teams, so it gives a kinda terrible experience. For example, you can embed a PBI into a teams channel to make access to analytics easier. You can also embed a calendar/schedule/plan through planner. Someone at my company created a power app that serves as a menu to direct a user to helpful information, which was also embedded into teams. I guess the pattern you see here is that you can use it as a one stop shop for team info.

[–] [email protected] 11 points 6 days ago (5 children)

In this moment impeachment is a waste of time. They would be better served (1) governing super well in places they are in charge (to demonstrate they are the better option - something that is inconsistent today); (2) figuring out why people are voting for Trump; (3) developing strong messaging and strategy to win races top to bottom of the ballot. I've been unimpressed with their ability to both run and govern recently (with some exceptions here and there). Maybe it is catching up with them.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 6 days ago (2 children)

Well, we will need some different, better minds on it to see success. I'd embrace it if I thought someone had any vague idea of how to execute it.

Boom (
Enemies (

Rough day...

Bestest (

The only thing that has generated change is a bunch of airlines that complained after the door plug incident. Dave has got to go.

Side question: When are they going to finally break up the company?


My son (10 yo) has a few very strong interests that he talks about pretty much nonstop. We haven't discouraged any kind of talking because he was quite delayed. However it has come to my attention that his narrow focus on these topics can annoy his peers at school. I don't want him to feel ashamed about his interests, but I also don't want him to be ostracized at school. I'd really appreciate any thoughts this group may have on how to handle (or not) this situation. TIA!

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