
joined 2 years ago
[–] 5 points 1 week ago

Look into ffmpeg's "concat" feature. It can do what you want.

[–] 3 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Not OP, but I've been looking for something like this. I've got a couple of refrigerators and a deep freeze I'd like to monitor. I'm not looking for a cooking tool that constantly sends updates. For that I'd like to use a multi-probe Bluetooth device. I've got Zigbee for other sensors, and I'd like to add these to the net

[–] 1 points 1 month ago

It is designed for one user, multi-channel push notifications. Like Firebase Messaging but self-hosted. You can use Markdown when composing the messages and do about whatever you want.

[–] 22 points 1 month ago

Unpopular opinion from what I've seen in this forum, but for me it is Nextcloud followed by Jellyfin.

I use Nextcloud setup fory whole family, about a dozen all together. I even sprang for the DavX5 plugin for several people so we can share calendars and contacts as well as files and notes. We backup photos from our phones using the Nextcloud app. Several of us use it as a backend for KeePass.

We use Jellyfin for streaming; movies, tv, music videos and music. It is the backend storage and library organizer for four Kodi boxes, five browsers, several phones and tablets and a couple of Roku's. It works like a champ, even with the occasional library re-sync.

[–] 1 points 1 month ago

Follow up:

(Hello future reader!)

The selection is really not great at the moment, but I was able to find a factory-refurbished Amcrest AD-410, which arrives today.

Wish me luck.

[–] 2 points 1 month ago

Ah. It just didn't compute for me. I'd think stopping the DHCP server or making it not listen on that interface would be easier than trying to firewall it off.

Yeah, blocking thise inbound and outbound will quiet that service.

[–] 8 points 1 month ago (2 children)

Block port 68 as well as 67. And are you sure the output rule is the best place for that?

[–] 1 points 1 month ago (1 children)


Thanks. I'm looking into this. Never heard of this company before, but that sounds pretty compelling.

[–] 2 points 1 month ago (1 children)

We have about the simplest/cheapest mechanical chimes you can get. (2 total, one on each floor).

Add "Older than dirt" and that's what I have too. House was built in the late 70s.

Did your Reolink doorbell come with a little battery-looking-device that you had to wire into the mechanical chimes?

How long have you had yours in service? And what model is it, if I might ask.

[–] 2 points 1 month ago

That is effectively what I had with my EZVIZ doorbell-cam. The image quality was actually really good compared to my basic cameras (2k, 180-degree FoV, daylight and infrared modes). The reason I went this way is that it's damn near impossible to run any sort of wires to the front porch location (Very long story, involving bore-scopes, drills, failure and drywall repairs) which is why I went this way, even with some people being weirded out by the camera on the doorbell.

I may have to go this route if I can't find a doorbell-cam that doesn't suck and is still available for purchase, but that will take months and several tests of the WAF (Wife Acceptance Factor).

[–] 1 points 1 month ago

Thanks. I'm checking through these links to see if this will work for me. Appreciated.

[–] 2 points 1 month ago (1 children)

I can't find that model for sale anymore. Every place I can check shows it 'out of stock'.


Until recently I had been using an EZVIZ DB1C doorbell. I researched before I got it, and it worked immediately when bought. Then the company started playing dirty pool. Over the next two firmware updates (WIth nothing in the notes beyond "bugfixes and imrprovements") they stripped out the ability to use a local RTSP stream then they stripped out the ability to use their Windows-only software to even re-enable any functionality. Then they jerked me around for over a month before they finally copped to what the company had done.

And of course there's no way back to a working firmware.

I know people have mentioned Reolink and Amcrest before, but those models are no longer available.

Is there anything in the way of wired, mechanical-bell compatible doorbell cameras that work with HomeAssistant?

I'm so sick of companies that sell you one thing, then strip out the functionality that made it useful, shoving you into their cloud/app shit or leaving you stranded on whatever firmware the thing came with.


Smart-ening Window Blinds (
submitted 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) by to c/

I've got some decent window blinds at my house (tilt as well as roll-up and -down), but I didn't want to shell out another couple hundred per-window to make them "smart", let alone being tied to a cloud service that could spontaneous combust any day now...

I've done numerous searches, but have not found anything decent that I could use to retrofit to add any sort of automation to these blinds. The best I could find were purpose-built and/or roller shades.

Is anyone here aware of any projects or products that can be added to a set of blinds to locally automate any of their features? I'm running latest stable Home Assistant in a container, with HACS, if that helps.



I started using Jellyfin a few years ago as a shared backend for my Kodi boxes (CoreElec mostly but not exclusively). I use the Jellyfin plugin for Kodi, installed from the Jellyfin repo as per official instructions. I've stuck to defaults/recommendations in the plugin. I did this for the WAF (wife approval factor), because otherwise none of my family ever used it. Now I get a shared watchlist and can stop on one TV and resume on another.

I've been running into a problem, and after extensive troubleshooting, I'm at a loss and asking for help.

The Kodi boxes do not pick up new content when it hits my server, which happens fairly regularly as I am ripping my disc collection into a format that Kodi (and the little Arm boxes) support natively. Unless I restart Kodi or the Jellyfin plugin every day or so, they do not see any new files uploaded since their last restart and if it goes long enough, even watched status falls out of sync and I have to go through the lengthy process of resyncing that entire library.

If I restart my Jellyfin service, every Kodi box immediately reconnects within a minute but still nothing syncs unless I restart the client.

Is this a known issue (Google is pretty useless in this regard)? Is there an option I can change somewhere to force the check-in to sync on a schedule? Is there another plugin that would work and still show content "normally" in the libraries, as opposed to going into another screen? Or does everyone use the Jellyfin web frame client?


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