
joined 2 years ago
[–] techwooded 11 points 1 week ago (1 children)

It’s funny because back in the day before Elon lost his marbles, I first heard of Signal from Musk on twitter as he was promoting it as a better alternative to WhatsApp

[–] techwooded 5 points 2 months ago

Seems like they don’t have federation turned on either, unfortunately

[–] techwooded 10 points 2 months ago

This is what happens when you don’t pay your tickets kids, the sheriff hunts you down

[–] techwooded 5 points 3 months ago

Slide me one of those jobs with a work visa and I’ll be on the first train out. Got like 6 months of Duolingo French if that helps

[–] techwooded 15 points 3 months ago (3 children)

Unless you take the “i” in Alien to be the imaginary number, then it’s -Alien

[–] techwooded 13 points 3 months ago (1 children)

The main crux of the “Biden is too old” criticism though wasn’t the actual age number, it was that he wasn’t mentally all there, which was on display constantly. Bernie always comes off as put together and his speeches are well executed. Biden’s issue was that he sounded less put together than Trump which was impressive in its own way

[–] techwooded 22 points 3 months ago

The problem with exit polling, as with the problem with polling in general (exacerbated by the modern age), is that they’re voluntary. The simplest explanation is that a higher percentage of women answered the exit poll than men. Or that women who voted for Trump were less likely to answer the poll. Or the people lied when they answered the poll.

There can also be statistics reasons for it too. Not knowing the methodology behind how this was collected, but you can also have selection effects. If I’m trying to run a statistical analysis on a population, I want as many respondents as possible to reduce the error and deviation, but I also have to operate with limited funds. Be much more efficient to post a few people up in higher density places like cities that tend to vote more blue anyways than having pollsters scour the backroads of Wyoming, for example, where I would wager a higher percentage of women voted for Trump.

In the end, don’t put too much stock in pre-election polls, and definitely don’t put too much stock in exit polls. Think about it like this, if you got a phone call from a random number, would you pick up and answer questions about how you vote in such a controversial election? If the answer is no, then you know why polls aren’t accurate

[–] techwooded 8 points 4 months ago

Not very up on biology, so not sure if this would even be a thing, but I would say some kind of internal structure like plants allowing animals to overcome the square-cube law

[–] techwooded 24 points 4 months ago (4 children)

I may be one of these people. At least for the more obscure places, the highway pullouts and national forests and things, if I see another person parked there, I’ll typically park next to them. Safety in numbers, the more people parked in a turnout, the more legitimate it looks to park there

[–] techwooded 14 points 4 months ago (3 children)

Don’t forget that these restrictions also apply to the Americans living in Guam, American Samoa, and the US Virgin Islands, as they all have the same status as Puerto Rico. It’s interesting too because citizens of the 50 states can vote absentee from other countries, and American Astronauts have voted from space. That would make Puerto Rico, Guam, US Virgin Islands, and American Samoa the only places in the universe an American can’t vote for President

[–] techwooded 1 points 4 months ago

Hey now, that’s Warren Peace from Sky High you’re talking about as an “unknown actor”

Thorium Browser? (
submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by techwooded to c/[email protected]

Curious on how good this fork of chromium is for privacy. Same person does the Mercury browser too I think


Designed by deafblind artist Arnaud Balard in 2013, it was adopted by the National Federation of the Deaf of France (Fédération nationale des sourds de France) in 2014 and by the Word Federation of the Deaf in 2023. It's official symbolism is:

  • Hand: The signing deaf community and sign languages

  • Fingers: Use of sign languages around the world (over 200 languages) and the 5 continents (in order from top to bottom Europe, the Americas, Asia, Oceania and Africa)

  • Turquoise: World color of sign language, deaf culture, and the signing deaf community

  • Yellow: Light, life, the awakened mind, and coexistence

  • Navy Blue: Planet Earth, humanity, and the color adopted to represent deafness

[–] techwooded 6 points 6 months ago

As other have said, housing, at least in the US, has always been seen as an investment, and investments are supposed to appreciate in value. It is difficult to sell to political bases that one of two things must then be true: 1) People who bought houses 20+ years ago will have to lose equity on the house which they potentially were relying on for some amount of retirement, or 2) The government will have to step in and fill the gap (a la systems similar to agricultural subsidies). Neither of those things would you be able to sell to a wide enough base that they could be acted on.

In the end, this was caused by two things. On a practical level, prices continued climbing while wages stagnated over the past 40 years. On a more philosophical level, I personally don’t think that necessities such as housing should be commodified.

This also brings up the fact that single family homes, the predominant home type in the US, are not good from an environmental standpoint or an urban planning standpoint. It would be better to convert into duplexes and such. In the end, I agree that buying a home is way too much, but in the long run it may be good that the market is pushing more people towards lower impact forms of housing


Does anyone know how to listen to Cubs radio out of state (specifically California)? I want to listen to the games while I'm working, but all the streams I've found are area restricted


What's everyone's favorite standalone fantasy novels? No sequels, no trilogies, just a rare gem in the fantasy landscape.

To start things off, I would say that one of my favorites is "Talion: Revenant" by Michael Stackpole. Really intriguing world and a good storyline, primarily character driven I would say.


Hey everyone. Does anyone know of a good alternative to Google Flights other than like Expedia, Kayak, etc? Bonus points if they have an API too


Hey everyone,

I got a new iPhone 15 Pro, and I keep getting prompts to login to an old old old Apple ID that as far as I can tell, doesn't exist anymore. No password is accepted and when it goes to be reset, I get the notification that "This Apple ID is not valid or not supported". I know it did exist at one point, though I'm not sure it was before everything got converted to the Apple ID system, and as far as I know, there's nothing on the phone that requires this Apple ID, no music apps or anything. Anyone know how I can fix this?


Anyone know where the setting is to do this? I prefer having the message preview next to the inbox list (as shown on the website, see the picture), but the default appears to have it along the bottom of the screen. Thanks


Generally curious what everyone thinks, just to start a discussion. I personally like the move to USB-C, but wish that 3.0 was available on the entire line. Colors of both the 15 and 15 Pro are a big miss for me though


Hey everyone, still on the iOS train for the time being, and want to enable 2FA for my Lemmy account. Currently the way this is done, it gives a link and that link default opens in Keychain, however I want to add the token to 2FAS. Anyone know how to do this?


Recently bought a pair of HomePod minis and added them to my setup. Previously, my Apple TV was the hub. After I added the HomePods, everything worked fine for about a day and now nothing is responding. I tried removing everything, including the HomePods, and readding them to My Home, and that didn't work. Everything is up to date. In the process of configuring the HomePods, I ended up creating a new Home that I didn't end up using, and so I deleted it, and that's when my troubles began. Any advice on how to fix?


Each of the top 4 seeds gets their own quarter, with all things going to seeding would put 1-4 and 2-3 as the semifinals which all makes sense. But the Slams seed down to the third round (32), but don't maintain this pattern, at least not completely. For example, in the US Open Men's Singles this year, the first couple seed matchups in the third round are 1-26 (not 1-32), 16-24 (not 16-17), and 12-19 (not 9-24). They still maintain each seed having their own slice below the third round, just curious as to why they randomly distribute 5 through 32 through these slices of the draw.

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