Around here you scan your card for store entry; it's no longer just flashing the card at the door employee, and the last Costco I visited had a smaller side door open for returns and membership lines. No more entry through the exit.
That one has the food court inside the store and I haven't stopped recently so I'm not sure if you need to scan the card to place an order there; however the Costco by my work has an exterior food court and you cannot use the register to place an order without scanning your membership card. They don't take orders at the counter.
Microfiber towels sticking to dry skin on your hands like velcro. Soggy sandwich bread. The way cotton balls feel and sound when you pull them apart. Non-skid on bare feet. Wooden utensils or popsicle stick wood on my tongue. Being touched by dogs with wet beards. Trying to sleep in bed with dirty feet. Synthetic fragrances.
I'm sure there's more.