I have 2 college degrees and install cable tv for a living.
Figure out what you want to do. Dont wait until grade 12 to start thinking about your future.
I have 2 college degrees and install cable tv for a living.
Figure out what you want to do. Dont wait until grade 12 to start thinking about your future.
You're supposed to ask these questions on reddit.
I had to download chilly beach via youtube. Id share it on torrent but i dont know how
I was looking for a show and i finally found it. There was 1 seeder and it took forEVER! I now have a ratio of 300. I will not stop sharing that until i have to.
there are piecework wages in many jobs.
Ya but then youre asked to do more and more and more work yet theres no benefit. Sure you get more money but i like to go home when my work is done, not get more pilled on.
Shouldnt we blame the teachers for fsiling to teach kids how to read the clock?
all the good people with a moral compass left Reddit in disgust over the API changes
All the good posts left thats for sure. Now its just a bunch of kids asking stupid questions like "should i buy a X" or "is X worth it?".... idk maybe make a decision yourself
Google this hash info: EF4211584F37CA70A4B1A2E47E7E833C79ABACBA
I miss the "dont be evil" version of google. Its like, large amounts of money ruin everything
Anything "easily googleable" should be removed on site.