Nope, but if you resub you’ll get the games back.
I read the manual for my cars radio. It has a max file size limit of like 256 songs or so per folder. But it can also accept 256 folders.
So if your cars is anything like mine you can probably play your songs just by splitting them up into more folders.
Flying car cheat in San Andreas. I don’t know what the buttons are, by my muscle memory is so ingrained that if I start it I can usually get it after 1/2 attempts. Even if I haven’t touched the games in years.
I had this discussion (read argument) back on reddit a while back. And it's about 15 to 20 years or at the time people were calling PS1/N64 Retro during the PS3 era.
By my math systems like the PS3 and Xbox 360 are now "retro", at least for some kids. I defiantly feel dated when some kid shows up on a PSP thread going on about their Dad's old PSP. And it's weird to think that the Vita and 3DS are about to fall into that camp.
You can I just wish it was accessible on the GUI.
We both switch years ago on our laptops when Windows 11 became the default windows. Linux Mint ftw
The Legend of Zelda: Links Awakening
Hyper Stone Heist FTW
Honestly I like the convenience and not having to mess around with fan patches and mods to just get the game to run well. Especially on Linux running these versions of the games is painless.
Ummm.... no. Outside of the Ikea DLC for Sims 2, they include all the DLC with the price.
My fav is giving one of theses
and if they don't get the message