And the Republicans in the audience chuckled when he said it.
Come on, you know better than that. Winter isn't over until May-two-four.
I'm Canadian and I don't think we should be doing this in the middle of winter. Plus it's going to affect blue states, which will only make the MAGA fuckface idiots glad that the libs are being owned.
We should repeal US IP protection laws instead and cut out their potash. Make technofeudalists and rural conservatives scream.
My original comment probably came off as abrasive, it's not on each individual faculty to figure this out, it's a collective task. What I meant with "you haven't figured it out yet" was actually that nobody has figured it out yet.
And yes admin needs to be involved and leading this, with workshops, reflections, etc. It would be extremely short sighted of them not to. Ours thankfully is more enlightened, and that might be due to them having a team involving both philosophers and computer scientists somehow.
One approach I have personally found useful as a step is to actually involve the students in this discussion. Acknowledge to them that this thing exists now, have a frank discussion about its opportunities (speed) and perils (slop), and discuss with them how they think it should be integrated in your learning community. Like we're all adults here, what do you guys want out of this experience?
You are right to condemn Hamas war crimes.
Are you condemning Israeli war crimes with equal vehemence?
In fact, given the ridiculous power imbalance and the disproportionate power and scale, I would expect you would be spending almost all of your alloted condemn-war-crimes-time condemning the Israelis. Are you?
Free pass? They've been relentlessly bombed for a couple of years now.
The current incarnation of the USA is not the usual USA, it's MAGA USA, just like we characterize Fascist Italy, Peronist Argentina or Frankoist Spain. The NYT is in opposition but it's still a newspaper from the MAGA USA.
But yesterday he said that free speech was back?
Ok so hear me out: fuck the New York Times. I don't even bother to read the article and I happen to think the CDU is a bunch of yahoos. But an ...American newspaper, telling a European democracy what it does or what it doesn't need? Get the fuck out of here.
Sure, the essayist is probably German and probably makes some good points. But, honestly fuck MAGA USA and their newspapers.
Signed, a dual EU/Canada citizen.
Them Bucklanders, obviously.
Fuck Donald Trump.