Wenn du Geld magst, scroll weiter und vergiss was du gesehen hast.
Die Hitzetode sind eine Erfindung von [füge Nation ein gegen die man gerade Hass schiebt] und die wollen nur [erfundene Geschichte um darüber hinwegzutäuschen, dass Larissa einen aus einem guten Grund verlassen hat]!!!!
BS comparison. Ferengi have at least some kind of moral compass.
I already have porn popping up on my feed here and there.
Oh boy, tomorrow I will wake up to the best “told you so” moment ever.
Habe das meiner Freundin geschickt. Sie ist Italienerin. Sie antwortete mit „Warum musste ich mich in dich verlieben?“
Tja, selbst schuld.
Ich würde mich ja freuen wenn ich mich wieder auf einem Browser anmelden (hänge momentan bei Safari und Memmy auf dem Handy fest) oder mein Passwort ändern könnte.
Weird. I immediately deleted my comment after posting it. Two hours later, you still could answer it (and probably still can see it).
As an actual answer: I’m happy you had a good day!
I have a habit of sorting things out frequently. Spotify Playlists, YouTube Subscriptions, Subreddits. Every now and then I go through them all and throw things out the window I’m not interested in anymore.
So, when I signed up here I subscribed to anything that sounded promising. Some of these communities are exactly the same just on different instances.
Eventually one of them will be victorious and that’s gonna be the one I will continue to follow.
It’s pretty handy because I rather subscribe to stuff which I am not that interested in. Sometimes it prevails and I find something new to obsess over.
Alright! How was your day? What did you do?
That’s 5% too much.
Alright! I’ll bring the Cider and Bratwurst.
Hello fellow Lemmings! It is I, thefloatingpoint from the future. I have traveled back in time to tell you the tales from Reddit.
The tools came 3 month after this announcement.
They didn’t work at all.
As of 2025 they still don’t.
Also Spez died in self strangulation while masturbating to a picture of Elon Musk. Who in turn died in a ball of fire after his latest patch for Twitter went online.
Goodbye Lemmings.