Thanks for heads up. My brave and firefox w ublock origin on android saw nothing. Must of blocked by default 😁.
I enabled network permission, still nothing. Tried step 8 and search for debug setting nothing came up. So I uninstalled carrier services app. From memory when I got RCS working some time ago, I think I disabled some permissions I had enabled. But can't remember where. I will dig through GOS instructions, I assume they're somewhere. When I get a chance. Thanks for assist.
Installed now carrier services w no network permission 🤣 now its telling me 'maximum number of retry attempts reached, try tomorrow' 🤷 will play w it tomorrow. Appreciate the replies. 👍
Thanks bud. On step 8, RCS still says 'setting up' & 'trying to verify' Should I continue with the rest of the instructions? Or wait for step 8?
👍 TIL u can do multiple files.
I just use inbuilt fossify gallery function. No need for another app.
I remember it working some time a go. And recently checked the settings to see if all is well and yep same as you. So I assume something had changed. Maybe GOS code or android code 🤷
Thanks for heads up. Geez haven't the authorities got anything better to do? Like serial killers etc. Too much funding IMO lol
With signals now usernames, why should I use xmpp? Ive heard of it before but it'll be just another messaging app imo.
Lol what is s3?