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[–] usernamefactory 12 points 6 hours ago (1 children)

Ferengi in TOS:

[–] usernamefactory 8 points 2 days ago (1 children)

Always striking to me how many Star Trek fans are so dismissive of Star Trek. I know its of it's time, but TOS didn't take its place in history by accident. Wonderful storytelling, iconic characters - absolutely a must to watch, at least to try it out.

Voyager, by comparison, is pretty mid. The writing is super inconsistent and it absolutely squanders its own premise. Notable for Janeway, Seven, and the Doctor, but it's definitely rough going.

But it's still a good watch. The only ones I don't think I could enthusiastically recommend are TAS, Enterprise, and Picard.

[–] usernamefactory 6 points 3 days ago

I’m not seeing it either. I even looked up a comparison. The green looks a touch more muted, and there’s a little more detail as one would expect, but otherwise it looks like the same old Shrek to me.

[–] usernamefactory 1 points 4 days ago

I’m mostly thinking of the dance number and the way the theatrical version cuts the final act split between Erin and Abby, which guts their respective arcs. I’ve only seen the theatrical once, so I couldn’t name what jokes it omitted. But there’s a good chance I’d agree with you, since there are a number of gags I wouldn’t miss. Mostly the “Kevin’s so dumb” bits, which don’t work for me.

[–] usernamefactory 7 points 4 days ago (2 children)

I'm with you on Ghostbusters 2016. If you're not expecting an all-time great like the original was, it's a good time. A decent comedy movie with a good heart. It helps if you're watching the extended cut, though.

[–] usernamefactory 5 points 4 days ago

Transformers One was worlds better than its advertising campaign would have you believe.

[–] usernamefactory 9 points 4 days ago

He speaks of the pompatus of logic.

[–] usernamefactory 3 points 4 days ago (1 children)

Sure, but the timeline splits at 2233, and would progress from there to the 2360s when some crossover could conceivably occur.

But yes, it’s really just a silly meme, and really only exists to poke some fun at JJ’s awesome needle drop.

[–] usernamefactory 5 points 5 days ago (3 children)

For the sake of the meme, we might imagine he spent some time there in between scenes of "Parallels".

It'd be interesting to see Kelvin's 24th century.

[–] usernamefactory 16 points 6 days ago (2 children)

That's what makes it so dirty.

[–] usernamefactory 3 points 1 week ago

Yeah… I really wish I was able to appreciate that. The idea of Kirk being given a reprieve from his fate in Generations to have one final moment with his t’hy’la is very sweet if nothing else. But between the horrible CGI body replacements and the impenetrable story they built around it, I really couldn’t feel any of the emotion that scene should have.

That said, it’s at least focused on the human connections of Kirk’s life. The other approach that’s been hinted at lately, some kind of secret Section 31 scheme, sounds much less appealing.

[–] usernamefactory 13 points 1 week ago (2 children)

I have a bit of a knee-jerk reaction that Star Trek should be looking forward rather than backward, but I also love SNW so that's obviously not a hard and fast rule. You're right that this could be done well, but I'm very skeptical that it would be. 

My biggest concern is that they would over aggrandise the character. Kirk was always a big personality, but he was also very flawed and human. I don't want to watch every other character fawning over the legendary Captain Kirk, or see him battling the Borg at 95.

I also don't want to see an uncanny valley digital mockery, I can't stand those.

But if they came up with something like Relics was for Scotty - an intimate, meaningful story that put a button on the character's life and didn't feel the need to build it up as some galaxy-shattering event - I could be into that. But I doubt that's what they're considering.

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