
joined 1 year ago
[–] uzi 24 points 5 months ago

Anyone who replied has validated your number as a verified working phone number to sell and to spam.

[–] uzi -2 points 5 months ago (3 children)

Are you saying that in relation to price? Because 4060 beats 1080 Ti.

[–] uzi -1 points 5 months ago

It can't be fixed without government cutting taxes on construction and eliminating regulations on single family houses that also add to the costs along with fees and taxes on building homes.

[–] uzi 5 points 5 months ago

That's exectly the reason for my post.

[–] uzi 7 points 5 months ago (3 children)

Game developers should never use upscaling, develop everything at native 4K with 4K ultra textures, and for playing at lower resolutions the game can remove pixels for lower resolution. Similiar to how 4K recorded video looks better at 1080p than 1080p recorded video.

For framerate and GPU performance, we are now in the 4K capable GPU market and only getting better every 2 years. In 2026/2027 people will NOT require the top GPU for native 4K 120fps which means 4K GPUs are only going to get cheaper and cheaper, not for price but can start pairing a lower GPU with a 4K screen.

Upscaling is not available on older games, some of those are more popular in terms of favourites than brand new releases, and upscaling is inconsistent across games that have it.

The smoothest performance across a random 20 to 30 games will always be to only play at native resolution with no frame generation technology.

[–] uzi 0 points 5 months ago (1 children)

Does that mean that you are in agreement with me about being against all frame generation texhnoogies?

[–] uzi 6 points 5 months ago (5 children)

Am I alone in being completely in being against all frame generation due it it being simulated gameplay? I max out ever graphics setting but disable DLSS/FSR and play on native with a lower FPS.

[–] uzi 22 points 5 months ago (10 children)

On the contrary, I was going to ask you guys here, am I wrong to believe that there is zero interest in GTA 6? Or at the very least, people don't care about a game that won't be released for a year and a half?!?

[–] uzi 2 points 5 months ago

Oh it's availqble through Izzy, not native F-Droid, thank you.

First Shot (self.britishcolumbia)
submitted 10 months ago by uzi to c/britishcolumbia

Is everybody still a strong supporter for anyone getting their first covid vaccine that they should should still get their first vaccine shot if never had a vaccine?

Disagreaements (self.vancouver)
submitted 11 months ago by uzi to c/vancouver

Why does it seem that people actively avoid expressing disaagreements on what somone says when they are out somewhere having a conversation? Why arwe people more concerned about trying to sound nice rather than being honest? It's not provactive or antagonizing to simply say "I can't agree with you on that, I disagree." I suspect that if someone articulates the reasoning behind their disagreement, a lot of people would not be bothered by it, unless someone wants everybody to believe the same things and are easily disturbed by contrary points of views.


Does anyone know why every release is not available through F-Droid? For example F-Droid has version 5.5.2 and the latest stable is 5.5.5. In the buildlog it looks like F-Droid gets the soirce code for every release. It assume it is not successfully compiled in order for it to never end up being released.


Remember kids, geographical grammer is offensive.

Internet vs Real World (self.britishcolumbia)
submitted 1 year ago by uzi to c/britishcolumbia

Why does it seem people online will openly degrade anyone but out in public everone runs from confrontation? Why is there such social paranoia in public and too scared to socialize with strangers but will happily insult everyone online? If people are so lonely, why don't they talk with people whil le they are out and exchange contact info? It seems more enjoyable talking with immigrants and better to avoid Canadians. I'm not bothered by dealing with someone talking stupid or if someone wants a friendly hug, it's quite easy to have a good time with strangers and I have no concrns about giving my number to continue talking.


"The use of this powerful law was unauthorized because the legal threshold to use the law was not met."


"The use of this powerful law was unauthorized because the legal threshold to use the law was not met."


How is such a ruling possible?

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