I stand corrected! Didnt know they are self-proclaimed fashists... Thats a bold marketing campaign and terrifing that she got the seats she did.
Although the policies she supports are not really Musollini-like.
I stand corrected! Didnt know they are self-proclaimed fashists... Thats a bold marketing campaign and terrifing that she got the seats she did.
Although the policies she supports are not really Musollini-like.
Yeah, i'm not from USA or even America.
Haha sounds about right!
Is this based on actual event or is it a general joke?
That could be a part of the problem. I consider police to be a respected and trusted role that comes with certain privilegies, like carring an overwhellingly powerful weapon (a hand gun).
That's very different from a civilian.
It has already been done. IJC ruled Russia's operation an invasion and ordered Russia to withdraw. UN does not have an enforcement branch, this cannot be enforced. There is also a warrant for arrest of Vladimir Putin himself.
Anyone seen the rick and morty spaghetti episode?
After reading stories like this, I more and more convinced that if we want to have a free market, we need to limit the size of companies allowed to participate in it. Because if you have 2 companies controlling the whole market, they can and will produce "dynamic security"-type of garbage.
And overwhelmed by the number of people willing to discuss nuaced socio-political problems of states and governments.
Please, dont joke with things like this. Someone might take you seriously...