It only gets one vote though, right? Same as everyone else.
Of course, the BBC led the way by having it's own mastodon instance...
Which has been a trial for nearly two years now.
In 25 years of house owning I've never had to replace a boiler. Service...yes. Repair...yes. Never replace. I've even had boilers that are no longer made due to safety regs changing.
Nobody is telling people to rip out their boilers.
In one story they're using PTX on Nvidia H800s. In another they're on Huawei chips.
Which is it? Are we all just hypothesising?
Ok, I see where you're coming from and agree.
That's obviously a cello.
"Recieving stolen goods" is prosecutable.
It's a lesser crime than the original theft though.
10 years to say no new boilers can be installed is not unrealistic. All you need to have is a good supply of an alternative and a supply of maintenance parts for current boilers. You can set that up in 5 years.
Money = Speech don't ya know.
Mo' money is a bigger voice in their system. Other countries call that "corrupt to the core".
Wouldn't have stopped repairing old boilers when they break. My old house had a back boiler of a type that was banned in the 80s. It broke a few times, but never had to replace it.
it was never going to work.
I'd rather have a ten year target and fail to hit it, than have no target.
EEC membership?