A poor political climate is no reason to avoid seeing a doctor
Writing a cover letter is a good exercise in self reflection
I run it on a 6700xt
Could be worse could be luke smith
Sell to the highest bidder
Check out You can download a whole bunch of models for free. The way I rum ollama is on linux from the cli, but if you can't do it that way try
Is this what you are referring to?
Bell's Theorem pretty well settles this:
I don't come without credentials. I have a phd in physics.
I also don't see any problem with Feynman's standpoint.
I almost missed the knife
Or, the conjecture of the multiverse, being non falsifiable, makes it as scientific as the boogie man or the tooth fairy. God of the gaps anyone?
No. It's just the news cycle. People forget quickly. This is no more special than anything else.