Loblaws, I think.
You've pointed out an aspect of this that has escaped too many. You don't fight nationalism with more nationalism. This trade war can only result in stronger trade partnerships with other nations.
Some background for the unfamiliar:
"OP" is the abbreviation for "Ordo Prædicatorum", or "Order of Preachers" in English, aka the Dominicans.
Saint Dominic is the founder of their order.
You've got an interesting take on grammar, and you have me at a disadvantage. I'd love to understand what you just wrote in your first paragraph.
Not every person in the USA has insurance through United Health, but according to their own website, they "provide care" [sic] to 7.7 million Americans.
Ditto, but only because it seems more reliable than the windows client. I didn't bother submitting a bug report because I can't properly articulate the issue.
I'd eat these if they didn't have milk in them.
Hopefully candy makers will get a clue one day soon that incorporating as many unnecessary allergens as possible in a single product is bad for business.
If the baddies don't want to be a part of something, that means the thing is worth supporting, right?
Thank you for looking at what I wrote and seeing humour rather than malice.
Your tea bag...
No, it's not, because I use something other than tea bags.
That's you. That's what you wrote.
I think it's a weak explanation for the apparant contradiction between the initial Yahwist creation narrative at Genesis 2:4 where Adam proceeded most animals and his "helper" and the subsequent 6-day Priestly narrative at 1:1 where man and woman were created at the same time on the sixth day.
Yes, the chronological order of the stories is reversed, according to most scholars. Lilith isn't in sacred scripture (unless you could words based on other forms of the origin of the name, but that's a stretch). She appears in post-second temple Jewish folklore (read: after Christianity branched off Judaism) if that's of any significance to you.