
joined 2 years ago

It hurt a little bit.

It’s ok now.

[–] zombie_kong@lemmy.world 4 points 2 years ago (2 children)

This is exactly what we’re planning.

I am done done done with the pressure, the incessant need for connection, only to reach out and find that people on the whole are just fucked up.

Where are the relatively normal people?

The measured people, the people who do not have a insane opinion about guns or politics or how people should live their lives?

Where are the people who know right from wrong? Good from evil?

It’s tiresome. I want to be friends with a donkey, stare at some landscape and see my days out in peace.

[–] zombie_kong@lemmy.world 10 points 2 years ago


I was afraid it would be a mid range sci fi but it’s turned out to be fantastic.

[–] zombie_kong@lemmy.world 12 points 2 years ago (3 children)

I feel this.

What is the actual point of publishing knowledge bases and documentation if nobody reads them?

[–] zombie_kong@lemmy.world 6 points 2 years ago

You really don’t.

[–] zombie_kong@lemmy.world 2 points 2 years ago

Carrot. I’m making a carrot cake today.

[–] zombie_kong@lemmy.world 6 points 2 years ago (1 children)


Block and Move On.

[–] zombie_kong@lemmy.world 1 points 2 years ago

Fantastic, thanks very much. I'll bear those in mind.

Gorgeous pupper.


I have three small dogs. The heaviest being 8kg

I am looking for a messenger / across the chest style bag that can double as a dog carrier.

Not for long journeys, it’s just in case I need to pick one of them up to go into a store or on the tram.

Ideally, front pockets for accessories and poop bags, maybe a bottle holder?

I’ve seen the cheap looking bags in Amazon, Etsy etc. Not interested.

Perhaps something exists in other areas such as fishing, or animal work. Canvas, heavy cloth.

Not looking to break the bank but also not afraid of ‘buy once cry once’.

[–] zombie_kong@lemmy.world 4 points 2 years ago

The EU needs to hurry up and legalise it.

[–] zombie_kong@lemmy.world 5 points 2 years ago (1 children)

Windows. Because I can run WSL alongside the industry standard business tools such as Outlook etc.

It’s the best of both worlds for me.

[–] zombie_kong@lemmy.world 3 points 2 years ago

Yup. Amazing.

[–] zombie_kong@lemmy.world 72 points 2 years ago

Do it.

Enough with tolerating that bullshit.

Let them spew their hate, just make sure it’s contained.

Preferably where nobody can see or hear them.


When I'm in a pack of mobs with both humanoids and beasts, I'd like the ability to scare off any remaining animals instead of butchering them.

What are yours?


I’ve soloed my Arc Bitch sorcerer to 65 and a bit. I’m trying for WT4 and keeping coming back to the capstone to see if I’m good enough.

It’s actually fun. I’ll spend a few hours grinding nightmare dungeons looking for a piece of kit to make a small difference.

I’ll then pop back into the dungeon and see how far I get.

Not too far at the moment. I made it to the boss once.

Onwards and upwards.


And it was great.

What was even better was seeing the endgame activities pop up on the screen.

2 uniques dropped from the WT3 capstone dungeon which increased my damage quite considerably.

I had my concerns during the campaign, like is the dmg going to be comparable to D4?

Rest assured it’s just as fun.


A bit of a weird one this.

I have a Backbone controller and up until last night, I've been quite happily sending the minions of hell back to where they came.

However, I was settled on the couch yesterday evening ready for a session and my controller no longer worked.

It's recognised in windows (run > joy.cpl), and other games are picking up the controller. But not D4.

What on earth could have happened?


I stood up a Yunohost and installed Mastodon a few months back. I had issues with storage and exponential growth as a result of federating with other instances.

It was just too much work keeping the storage at a minimal level for a single user instance, so I ditched it.

Is there anything like that I need to consider before I try my hand at Lemmy?

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