Was going to post this if someone hadn’t.
A lot of things can affect it including your body position, whether you’ve been physically active lately, had caffeine, smoked, or even had a bath.
Recommendations even say to sit in that position for 5 minutes before measuring.
You have nothing left to lose then, take a few out with you.
There are LoRa hats available for rpi, and here’s the link for getting started with Linux devices from meshtastic themselves.
Yeah he did get too close, and also I don’t think he’d want us taking out wildlife because it happened.
If you cut this worm in half do you get a bobbit worm?
Isn’t the water in sprinkler systems a stagnant mess too?
If you classify your relationship as a war, maybe you really shouldn’t have one.
Hilarious (inadvertent) team kills are where most of the fun from this game come from.
Quadshooter. (There is also a true facts episode on the echidna)