Oh FFS. This timeline sucks.
Wait…. Wasn’t his brother the mayor? The dead one?
The picture is from the Bag O Nails pub on St George Road, in case you wanted to visit. (or see more photos from whatever social media)
It’s called stresslaxing.
That one time cocoa pods (a dependency management system for iOS development) was essentially doing a DDNS when their spec repo was using GitHub as a CDN. https://blog.cocoapods.org/Master-Spec-Repo-Rate-Limiting-Post-Mortem/
And as a bonus the flows were never fully specc’d each time right?
If I get to learn something then that’s a bonus.
Just one more lane will fix it
Papyrus you heathen
It’s hilarious when the identified problems come back around to bite the organization, when the priorities have been to work on poorly specc’d features instead.
Young boys especially, but young girls too are probably a little touchy for them to use. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Catholic_Church_sexual_abuse_cases