A place to discuss pro-conservative stuff
Be excellent to each other. Civility, No Racism, No Bigotry, No Slurs, No calls to violences, No namecalling, All that good stuff, follow's rules, follow the rules of your instance, etc.
We are a Pro-Conservative forum. Posts must have a clear pro-conservative, or anti left-wing bias. We are interested in promoting conservatism and discussing things that might get ignored elsewhere. All sources are acceptable, however reputable sources with a reputation for factual reporting are preferred.
Dissent is allowed in the comments, but try to be constructive; if you do not agree, then provide a reason which is backed up by references or a reasonable alternative interpretation of the provided facts. That means the left wing is welcome to state their opinions, but please keep it in good faith.
A polite request, not a rule, if you feel the need to report a comment, please don't reply to it.
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Yeah, I could have phrased it better.
Democrats hate those who disagree.
Democrats want to hurt those who disagree.
Well, it's deranged bullshit projection, but it's grammatical.
Do you just go around making these claims up? You're getting banned for calling for violence in other communities. You're a walking liability.
No I'm not advocating for violence. For fucks sake, how do you get that from my comment? Unless sending more illegals to DNC places is violence, Im not advocating for jack shit
So this isn't you?![](
Yes, it's me.
Walking liability
I don't see how. I said what they think, not that I agreed with them.
If this place lets you in, maybe it's not the place for me
I haven't been banned from any instances, so maybe isn't for you
"I've only pissed off people with LIMITED power. You must be wrong." Get professional help.
This is the last comment I'm putting in this shitty community.
It shouldn't matter if I pissed them off. What should matter is if I broke the rules.
I feel like there's a jean-paul Sartre quote that applies here