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It's a photon torpedo for anyone who says something negative about Captain Kirk. He will always be my Captain.
3 reasons why I love Captain Kirk:
Won most fistfights. Especially when his shirt got ripped.
A real leader. Captain Kirk would never hide in a bunker from anything, he would beam into any situation, and the crew would fillow him. Captain Kirk never backed down from a challenge, no matter how many red shirt guys had to die.
Captain Kirk knew how to handle the ladies. Black, white, brown or green, Captain Kirk could make out with all of them.
Idk about your preferred leadership qualities, but mine don't include a lack of disregard for my life to look like a real man.
I'm having trouble parsing this.
While all of that is well and true, I enjoyed TNG, DS9, and VOY significantly more than TOS, and a large part of that is thanks to the captains of those series.