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I hate it so much when people say or write "the wife". Riles me up
Like it or not "the wife" was a change in language seen as progressive not too long ago because it recognises that a man doesn't own a woman.
What would you prefer "my wife" implying ownership. "A wife" implying a non specific wife of anyone.
Or they name them on social media to avoid mentioning their marital status and ignoring their relationship to them.
I'm genuinely curious how this person should, in your view, refer to the person they've married.
My wife is absolutely fine in my books. The same way you can say my friend or my acquaintance or what have you, you can say my spouse/wife/husband/whatever without implying any sort of ownership. My view might be skewed being an ESL, but the same applies to German, Russian, Ukrainian, French, for example, which I speak too. I've never heard people complaining over those usages
I say either my wife, or the wife is fine.
I've just stated the reason "the wife" exists at all is a reaction against historical patriarchal language.
I've heard different people complain about both and they were always insufferable people trying to nit pick the conversation into a boring place.
Like you!
"my dad"
I do not own him. Wtf is that argument?? It's not a descriptor of ownership but relation.
"No he can't be YOUR dad, he's MY neighbor"
This whole thread's logic is whack.
Right? It is almost like "my" is a word which denotes association as well as ownership. Naw that can't be right.
People are stupid and looking for reasons to be offended. Usually it means their opinions are to be ignored as they simply exist to argue about non issues.
I agree either my wife, or the wife is fine.
I've just stated the reason "the wife" exists at all is a reaction against historical patriarchal language.
"My" can, but certainly doesn't always imply ownership. It implies that the qualifier for person B in the sentence is applied to their relationship to me, person A.
My banker, my hairdresser, my dentist, my accountant, my contractor, my neighbor, my boss, my elected official, etc.
Probably not at all on you, here, but this is a good example of "exaggerated progressivism" or fake-woke/politically correct speech. It weakens the credibility of the progressive movement and gives conservatives silly exaggerations to point to and mock, when this kind of stuff emerges.
Just my 2 cents!
Why do you have slaves? /s
I prefer the ole ball and chain. /s
The minister of war and finance.
When I read "the wife", I read it as this. It feels impersonal, like you are intentionally distancing yourself from your spouse. Like, why would you do that unless you are literally Al Bundy?
The ole battle axe
"My mother" = I own my mother
I agree either my wife, or the wife is fine.
I've just stated the reason "the wife" exists at all is a reaction against historical patriarchal language.
NO! Everyone MUST speak how I do at all times, or they're WRONG!
There's only one way to speak, and any linguistic deviation will be reported to the POLICE!
That's why I speak exclusively in Sting lyrics.
What song is that?
I don't know if "my" always means owning the noun it could mean co-owning the relationship. If I say "my partner" or "my kids" or "my job" I don't think most people think I am a slave owner who somehow has an unbreakable contract with work.
Ah fine. The "old lady"
Dare people language! Shit.. I mean ᚨᛚᛚᚨᛁ ᛗᚨᚾᚾᚨ ᚠᚱᛖᛁᚺᚨᛚᛋ ᛃ
I tried to read that and shot an energy blast across the room. Scared the shit out of my cat.
What would you have people say instead? "My wife"?
Ole Battleaxe
Incredibly out there, I know
It's such a kludgy way of using language. You know what is being communicated with "the wife" vs "my wife" so why not use them interchangeably?