this post was submitted on 26 Feb 2024
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I like to advocate for more employee owned companies. I think we should look into policies that offer incentives to companies that voluntarily do this. We should also be looking at penalising companies that fail to offer a thriving wage to every worker. You can use capital markets as part of an economic system, but you have to really deliberately blur the lines between the classes intrinsic to that system for it to work - and I think the question there is how long can you keep it, before the more powerful party decides to assert itself.
It would be interesting to cap how much of a company must be owned by employees and not investors, but I think it gets really complicated (is the CEO an employee, can they be the only one owning shares, what happens when people quit, how do employees sell shares if they can't sell to more investors?)
I am the C.E.O. of an I.T. firm I've created. The employees once they are here for a certain amount of time become shareholders and I am purposely the lowest-paid employee at my company. I do not take dividends.
We also have a "No Outside Shareholders" policy, so if an employee shareholder ever left (not that any have in the 8 years we've been running as we treat our people like gold) the company maintains a reserve of money to purchase shares for their current value. Current value is arrived at by getting a quick valuation done.
Liquidity is overrated imo. Selling stuff for what people will pay is how things are supposed to work. Market making for liquiditys sake is a racket.
There are already employee ownership models that exist and work, so no point in hashing that all out here. It's a good way to put more power into worker's hands without going into actual communism, which you can work towards alongside this type of policy if you like imo
That’s awesome, I would love to be where you are, or just running am employee coop