this post was submitted on 17 Apr 2024
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I agree with you that one size doesn't fit all, but I feel there has to be some kind of baseline standard. When I was looking around, I was unable to find when the current standard in North America changed from 9-5 to 8-5, but that shit needs to stop. A large amount of work is now decentralized due to computer and data storage, so there's no reason hours have to be (with in-person requirement exceptions like restaurants and stores). Given the productivity increases of the last 50 years, we could work one day a week and still be more productive than equivalent work week 50 years past.
I strongly believe that income ratios would be one of the most impactful things we could do. No person working full-time at a company deserves more than, say, 5 times more than any other full-time employee and should factor in "perks" like dividends and such. This kind of thing should be legally mandated.
I adore the idea of UBI, but we have to make sure the implementation is solid. I love some of the ideas I've seen from economists for them (and no, economists are not interested in growing bottom lines, they're interested in how economic systems function). I also feel the economy has to be made more cyclical which would assist in this.
I like the resurgence as well, but I'm wary of power and sway over things not related to the unions. The leaders of these unions need to be kept honest just like corporate leaders should be because the ability to abuse the power is also possible (see many union leaders in the 1970s). Open books to members of the union should be the minimum required.