I feel like the whole world should just have a big giant job internet where there's just.. if something needs to be done you post it on the job internet and somebody who can do it can go do it... if they fail, they don't get accepted for that type of job again until they get trained.. if they're really good at something and they want to keep doing that thing, then maybe a contract can be signed.. if somebody is exploiting the job internet and taking the good jobs over and over and over again maybe there can be some kind of cap on how many times you can accept a certain job without a contract.. I don't know, but I feel like we should be able to get up and go to a job if we want to, but also not have to get up and go to a job.
I have never ever ever wanted to work in my life and the fact that everyone around me expects that I will have to work is infuriating. And it's not like it's laziness, when I enjoy something, I just do it.. it's not work or labor, it's just doing something. But I don't want to be forced to do things on planet Earth .....I didn't ask to be here, I don't agree with the system, I don't agree with money, and I feel like if everybody has free will, we should be able to choose to never work. That should also be a legitimate choice.
As for unions, I can understand how they can be good for achieving things from corporate bosses or whatever.. but I once worked at a place there was a union, and because I wasn't a 40-year-old Islander gossiping with the rest of them and I actually did my job and we were over quota everyday when I was working and I was bei ng too efficient, I ended up being fired by the union because they didn't want me around.. they wanted to be lazy and sit around and gossip instead of do their jobs and be efficient. So that wasn't very fun, I had no recourse.... I couldn't ask to be not fired because nobody was representing me because I was on probationary....... I don't really have a positive opinion on unions anymore because according to the experience,, I will never be able to even join a union because they're going to fire me before my probationary period is up.