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I know it stings to be wrong but there isn’t a genocide according to the government and most governments of the world. It’s weird you want to say they are wrong on Israel but right on Ukraine.
I know it stings to be wrong but just because the government refuses to call something what it is doesn’t mean the thing isn’t there.
I’m curious, what is your end goal by engaging in this thread? Cause you’re not convincing anyone of your take.
I will not convince people who are disconnected from the real world. My goal is to make sure the truth is out in the open.
Sure bud. I’m the disconnected one for recognizing any kind of killing is morally wrong. 😑 You’re the correct one with your head as buried in the sand as our neoliberal overlords because they say it’s ok.
So the Ukrainians are morally wrong for killing Russians? I don’t think so.
Morally, yes all killing is wrong. But in that situation there is no real “correct” choice other than to defend themselves.
Are Russians trying to take Ukraine and actively invading their land? Yes. Therefore their killing isn’t “right” but it’s justified.
Is Hamas trying to take Israel and actively invading their land? No? Then why tf is Israel killing innocent civilians?! I get Hamas started it but they are not continuing to invade like Russia is to Ukraine.
One of these things is not like the other….