Finally! I've been browsing so far. That feed flooding was really untenable.
Meta ( Meta
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If I log out and then back in I see this message. If I go back and refresh, it's gone. You asked me before to check languages in my settings, but that box has never worked right for me. If I highlight a language and hit the x nothing happens. How is that box supposed to work.
The darkly theme stopped formatting text correctly for me, all text was black on a black background and so unreadable. I’ve changed to darkly-compact (presumably a new feature?) and that seems to have solved it.
Possibly a silly question but have you done a hard refresh (ctrl-f5)? That fixed a lot of similar stuff for me. Currently on darkly with no apparent problems.
I’m on mobile (iOS) so don’t have a hard refresh option.
Something weird that I'm seeing, on the communities page, the "Meta (" community is listed as having 68 posts, but when I visit the actual community, I only see three posts, is that expected?
Hmm doesn't seem to be doing that for me. Do you have "undetermined" selected under your language settings (as well as any actual languages you speak)? I've seen some people missing posts based on having accidentally unselected that.
That was my first thought too, I have "browser default" selected (which should be English), so I don't think that's it.
Edit: Okay, I got things mixed up, "browser default" is a setting for the interface language. On my language settings I had 0 languages selected (I don't know how it got changed? Or if that's the default setting.) I selected Undetermined and English, but I'm still only seeing three posts (the 3 most recent, I think).
Do you possibly have "Show Read Posts" unchecked in your profile settings?
Just checked and that option is ticked.
Can you try selecting ALL languages, rather just English and Undetermined? Let me know if that makes any difference.
I selected all languages (except "IsZulu", the control doesn't seem to save properly when I try to select every language, tried a bunch of times but couldn't get it to save), and I'm still only seeing the (now) six most recent posts. I tried unchecking and rechecking the "Show Read Posts" option, but it didn't make a difference. I also cleared the cache on my browser(s).
Bug Report
I have a login that I think you rejected or not yet approved from a week or so back. "RoundSparrow". And when I try to login on 0.18.1 on your server, I get no error message, it just comes back to the login form. I even tried a wrong password to see if it gave an error, and nothing.
P.S. is lagging so badly in getting messages incoming, your posting hasn't shown up on copy of the community, so I'm using my test instance and a test account. Your last two posts, before and after the upgrade, are not on[email protected]?dataType=Post&page=1&sort=New
Bug or design choice...
I notice when reading directly on your server, that the URL parameters are not part of the link.
(The CSS is messed up the post images overlap the post titles, which aren't visible against the dark bacground. That's darkly, darkly-red doesn't have the colour issue but images still overlap)
Where can I find the release announcements? I thought in only saw 0.18.1.rc.1 only yesterday.
There's no announcement for 0.18.1 yet, but we skipped 0.18, so everything from that release is new for us as well! You can check the notes for 0.18 here:
I am confused. The title and context of your post says 0.18.1. Does that mean 0.18.1.rc.1 then? Or was it a typo?
We are on 0.18.1.rc4
Hey, I got the issue that was posted here for rc1
using apps like Mlem or Memmy works fine, but the browser just shows everything empty and the UI is not responding to anything. Switching the browser language to English like suggested in the github issue solves this, but using my standard browser language(german in my case) doesn't work.
Edit: Well a workaround was to switch my broser language to english, so that everything was working, then change the language in the settings from "browser default" to german(note that it was "browser default the entire time and this site was always english with 0.17.4 despite my browser being german).
Now it's working with my browser set to german, and it even keeps the language german when I change it back to "browser default". But when I set it to english, it's no longer working. Then I have to change my browser language to english again.
Hey, this is strange and I wasn't immediately able to reproduce it, but I will investigate further over the weekend. I'm glad you managed to work around it for now!
I've tried to reproduce the steps aswell and it's kinda tricky because some of the combinations that didn't work are now just working and I don't know why.
A way to reproduce it on my end that seems to be pretty reliable so far:
Lemmy language set to browser default and browser set to english, everything works. (I can also set browser default, english, german, doesn't matter).
Set browser language to german while Lemmy is set to english and restart browser (I'm using chrome btw)
Still everything is working.
Now switching back to browser default has it also working as long as I stay on the site. I can refresh the feed by clicking on the lemmy logo, view posts, go back via the lemmy logo etc.
But once I refresh the entire site through chrome, it stops working and I have to change the browser language to english again to set it back up.
(It even showed my username at the top right as "Tankon" instead of "Taxxor" for one refresh, the next refresh had the login and sign up buttons, then it was "Taxxor" again on the next^^)
The shorter way would be to have Lemmy set to browser default while having the browser set to english end then switch the browser to german.
But I thought the scenario above where I can still use the site after setting it to browser default as long as I don't do a full refresh might be of interest to see what the issue might be.
I have this problem on two different systems.