God, he's such a fucking loser. And the fact that so many people see him as the pinnacle of manliness, even if humanity, is mind boggling.
Just look at some of the fan art of him and people are drawing him with abs and full hair. So dumb.
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God, he's such a fucking loser. And the fact that so many people see him as the pinnacle of manliness, even if humanity, is mind boggling.
Just look at some of the fan art of him and people are drawing him with abs and full hair. So dumb.
no thanks, I'll take your word for it
Manliness lmao
Yea right. Being manly is not remotely close to his biggest personality traits.
You can tell ChatGPT to describe the absolute worst human being by every metric and with no further prompting it will describe Donald Trump perfectly.
I haven’t seen a Ben Garrison comic in at least a year, is he still thirsty or is the thrill finally gone?
He kind of stands like the front half of a centaur or a finger puppet
He's wearing his lifted shoes so his centre of gravity is shifted. I think he's about 5'10" and at public events he wears 4" lifts.
Bill Barr is 5'9". Compare their heights in this photo. https://media.newyorker.com/photos/5e45b18884cbb800082e45c0/master/w_960,c_limit/Rohde-TrumpBarrStone.jpg
And here is where Trump is wearing lifts. https://s.abcnews.com/images/Politics/donald-trump-bill-barr-gty-jc-190925_hpMain_16x9_992.jpg?w=992
Lol the fit on that suit.
Holy shit, that's like high heels! I wonder what his shoes actually look like
Okay, but what kind of heels is Barr wearing? I'm gonna need a banana for scale.
Barr is wearing negative heels. Trump normally makes him stand in a 4" hole to maintain the height illusion.
He looks like that because he's trying to puff out his chest, suck in his gut, and hold back a massive fart all at the same time.
And also he's the world's weakest and most orange gorilla.
all humans are the weakest gorilla :(
He's especially weak, though. Of character, for sure.
That's the epitaph on Dian Fossey's tombstone btw.
More like floating like the Baron Harkonnen
That is easlily a 5⁰ lean. How far can one actually lean before falling forward?
Depends on the amount of shit in your pants, lowering your center of gravity.
Well, a full diaper is a reasonable counterbalance, and considering the shit that comes out of his mouth, his diaper must be dense.
Followed by "WOKENESS!!!!"
His arms are literally hanging at an angle compared to the rest of his body pointing towards gravity.
He's got chronic "femboy posture".
Don’t you dare ruin femboys for me.
Don't you sully the goodness of femboys by comparing them to trump.
And such delicate little hands. If he hadn't let himself turn into such a grotesque slob, maybe he would've been a decent s**sy or femboy~
Looks like a puppet when someone let go of the strings. Maybe Vlad is too distracted with Ukraine
second biggest laugh for 2023 for me was this
thank you i don't remember first place
Lol for some moments I forgot he was an actual president for a while and couldn't believe it
You just know that he's not going to eat the pie
Don’t act like you wouldn’t do the same