Granted. You now experience the death and loss of every relationship that would succeed or fail in your life. All relationships end, even successful ones, and you get to experience every ending, with every potential partner you ever meet.
The Monkey's Paw
Want to make a wish? Just ask the Monkey’s Paw! No strings attached.*
Just create a post that starts with “I wish ___”. Other users will then grant you the wish, and probably not how you intended.
^(*)^ ^Strings^ ^definitely^ ^attached.^ ^Satisfaction^ ^not^ ^guaranteed.^ ^Wish^ ^will^ ^likely^ ^backfire.^
Wow that is actually one of the scariest things I've read
That was exactly my thought :)
Granted. You know the outcome before you get involved, meaning before you even establish contact. Everyone you cross paths with is potentially a relationship with an outcome you now know, as a result you have a natural emotional response to each one without any of them actually happening in reality. Any exposure to people becomes unbearable, merely going outside carries the risk of having the worst possible outcomes imaginable become part of your headspace, constantly. This dumps you into a permanent state of neurosis and paranoia, you start isolating yourself from anyone and then become incapable of functioning mentally and emotionally. Of course no one believes you and after your family gets involved, you are forcibly committed to a mental institution where there's an unending stream of worst possible outcomes for you to know.
Granted. You meet the love of your life. But as you greet them, you see their horrific death. Every day afterward, whenever you see them, you get flashbacks to their forthcoming death. Every time you kiss, you see death. Every time they say they love you, you see death. And because of all this, you never truly connect, and you miss out on experiencing true joy with someone.
Self fulfilling prophecy. The paw tells you terrible things until you ruin the relationship yourself.
Granted. You now know every relationship fails.
You know the outcome but are powerless to change that outcome. You soon realize that a new acquaintance will violently murder you in two years.
I always thought it would be interesting if you couldn't feel attracted to someone who wouldn't also be attracted to you. Sort of like emotional tinder. If they would swipe right then you can swipe right. If either one wouldn't be interested than neither even starts to feel an attraction.
Granted: it tells you nothing.