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The first party that offers the following as their platform will get, not just my vote, but my membership dues and time, even if it means risking that a truly horrible party/leader gets in under our current system.
The world does not remain static. Although there are some foundational principles that can remain static, the constitution should be something that evolves with the world.
There is ample evidence that voting systems can be optimized to ensure that the preferences of the people are reflected in the governing bodies. Current recommendations are that we implement or .
There is ample evidence that sortition based citizen assemblies have a positive impact on policy and governance. There is some evidence that such assemblies may in fact be all the governance required.
There is ample evidence that the very structure of our society and economy are major determinants of poverty, health, population numbers, violent crime, property crime, employment, and innovation.
Under our current system, businesses are dictatorships with little more than profit underlying decisions. Government is not a business, but a service to the citizenry. As such, decisions should be made with service as the motive, not profit.
We will work towards identifying and implementing systems and policies that follow existing and emerging evidence whether we are in power or not. In fact, we pledge to work hard enough while not in power that we not only influence the policies of whoever is in power, but are ready to hit the ground running should we form the government.
Any party that doesn't attract the "You agree with me or you're my enemy," types would get my attention. I think a party that focuses more on smart policy that's good for the people at large as opposed to empty ideology and vote posturing over contentious issues would attract me. We need people to run the country, not win some kind of high school popularity contest.
Been idling in the volunteer chat for the "Our Canadian Future" Party -- formerly known as the Centre Ice Canadians. They seem to be solidly focused on pragmatic centrism, while still trying to be big tent enough to pull from all walks. I hate the name, but every interaction I've had with them so far seems like they are trying to do things logically and thoughtfully, even if they never get anyone elected.
Policy framework (general direction -- these are not official documents yet. Those will need to be ratified by members eventually).
There's a good chat with retired General Hillier here:
Some media coverage:
I particularly like that the right is already attacking it publicly. I suspect they're worried about vote losing the pragmatic right wing to a centrist party that isn't the Liberals. When in reality most of the people voting OCF will be coming from the Liberals.
Huh! I hadn't heard of them before, but I like the policies I'm seeing there.
I agree that I kinda hate the name (and their website).
I'm big on pragmatism, so it's nice to see people trying something real with it. I wonder if I'd be able to run locally under the banner... Hmmm...