A handmade home for woodworkers and admirers of woodworkers. Our community icon is submitted by @[email protected] whose father was inspired to start woodworking by Norm and the New Yankee Workshop.
Looks like oak to me.
I can scratch it with my fingernail which made me think it wasn’t oak.
It's oak. You can scratch almost any wood a bit, if you do it right.
Have seen similar before which was french oak.
Hard to tell though as no idea about the treatments etc applied over the years.
Looks like oak to me too.
Grain def looks like oak. Looks solid, not manufactured, but thin, (normally 3/4 "), so probably sandable once.
I also just discovered the reverse side has a very faint inscription: Bruce. Which is actually a floor manufacturer.
Could that be Ash?
Looks like walnut to me, maybe American black walnut?