Not only do you get to be surrounded by penguin shit for 5 months, there's no running water so you have to pee/crap in a bucket/outhouse, and they said the only time you can shower is when passing cruise ships let you. Also, due to the terrain, you basically can't go anywhere. Finally, there's practically no phone or internet connection either! Sounds like paradise! Sign me up!
Mildly Interesting
This is for strictly mildly interesting material. If it's too interesting, it doesn't belong. If it's not interesting, it doesn't belong.
This is obviously an objective criteria, so the mods are always right. Or maybe mildly right? Ahh.. what do we know?
Just post some stuff and don't spam.
So I can finally make progress on my video game backlog?
Just make sure you download them before you set sail
he's not getting anything done without stackoverflow, so might as well download it all.
You also have to count thousands of penguins and sort about 25,000 letters.
You mean I have to grind in order to progress the main mission? That's not new.
If there ever was a job posting that should include what it pays, this is it.
You have to poop in a bucket and don't get showers for 5 months during the cold antarctic season? That better pay well.
Edit: Base leader gets paid £1,895 per month. Not even close to enough.
£1,375 for the General Assistant. I made more than that working fast food!
Yeah but you get to go to Antarctica
I mean......I'm a Turkey farmer I doubt penguin is much different
I'm guessing your breath doesn't turn into ice crystals the second it exits your lungs on your turkey farm most of the time.
Ummm actually. I live in Michigan. Our breath turns to ice crystals most of the year.
Where on this ✋ do you live?
On the left side just below the crook of the pinky finger
Nice. 👍
Fair enough, although I would guess that Michigan might be slightly warmer than Antarctica.
Maybe a degree or 2. I'm not saying as cold. I was specifically talking smell
Not this year, we have had the warmest winter I can remember. I only shoveled the driveway twice. Last year I shoveled at least a dozen times.
This winter was weird as hell. We got a lot of snow all at once then it all melted in a week
Henry Rollins told a story about passing penguins in Antartica and the stench. Regardless, I'd still be stoked to see penguins in the wild.
Can I do it for free?
Maybe. But wouldn't you rather be paid if you have to shit in an outhouse while endlessly smelling penguin shit for five months while you deal with a bunch of idiot tourists who think a cruise to Antarctica is a good idea?
Nah, I do it for the love of the game. No need to sully it with greed.
7 months is a long time without any income though.
Where are you gonna spend your income in Antarctica anyway? I wouldn't mind this. I worked on a cruise ship and, while I did get paid every week, most of the time was out at sea and since all the restaurants and shit on the ship were free to me, I wasn't spending a dime until my contract was up and I went home.
You would likely still have to pay rent for your home that you are leaving.
If I was 21 and single, hell yes. I regret not doing weird stuff like this.
I honestly considered working in Antarctica when I was in my 20s. I'm glad I didn't get any farther than looking at Raytheon's job listings for a while because the more I read about life there, the more I am glad I didn't go. There are a ton of sexual harassment issues and a lot of alcoholism. I think it sounds romantic, but we don't really understand how bleak it is and how it's just not a place we're supposed to live until we get there.
This sounds like the new season of the mighty boosh