Here we go.
I use edge exclusively on Windows and have zero issues
Here we go.
I use edge exclusively on Windows and have zero issues
Are you happy with it? If so, that's all that matters.
I wouldn't be very happy if my browser injected ads into webpages.
It does that? I use Edge with ublock origin and have zero issues.
uBlock origin might be able to block Edge's embedded ads, but yes, Edge does that. For example, if you go to the page to download Google Chrome, a banner ad covers the top half of your screen that advertises Edge's features.
Even if uBlock fixes this, I don't know why anyone would want to use a browser that does this in the first place when better Chromium based browsers exist, especially Brave. (I prefer Firefox, but I understand the need to use Chromium instead of Gecko as webpages are generally slightly more reliable).
Honestly speaking, I've used Edge on Windows and have had no issues. It's a decent browser not taking privacy into consideration. The only thing pissing me off is supporting the Chromium monopoly.
I'm very glad it works for you. Edge is a perfectly fine browser ever since they ditched their engine and copied Google's Chrome with a coat of paint and a couple extensions baked in.
To be frank though, if Edge forking Chromium is the best the tech titan Microsoft can do, I'm genuinely disappointed in them, and I'd rather just use Chromium.
I think it was a sensible decision to drop their own engine as nobody liked it anyway. Might as well go with a proven one and use your resources on stuff your customers want you to focus on. Since Nadella took over, Microsoft has been very well managed imo and they made a lot of right moves, like their move into cloud computing, embracing open source, integrating linux subsystem on windows, etc...
Their choice to ditch their IE/edge engine is a symptom of these better managerial choices.
Edge is actually better than Chrome. Don't @ me. I still prefer Firefox to both and always have.
Chrome is the "One of my fuck ton of Firefox addons broke this site but I don't want to waste time figuring out what one" browser.
Tbh id just use ungoogled chromium for this, having the "pros" of chrome without the spying and spook
Lol same. I also use it for time critical stuff where you don't want to risk a site breaking, like when trying to get tickets for good seats on a concert when sale opens.
This is why profiles are so useful. You can use one when the other breaks. I've got about 7 profiles each perfectly tuned to a specific niche.
The meme was designed in LibreOffice. It worked surprisingly well. Only open source software was used for the creation of this meme.
Chrome existed when you were 10, that makes me feel old. 😂
Well, not exactly 10. Was born in 1999. Think I was maybe 14 or 15 when I first played it. Still feels like a long time has passed. Time flies when you're enjoying life.
My brother in christ, just run winget install firefox
in command prompt and be done. Fuck chrome and edge.
I started a clean Windows install a few weeks ago. Upon first boot, I immediately deleted the program files folder for Edge in an act of defiance to Microsoft. I then realized I had no browser. Had to ask my son to put a Firefox installer on a flash drive for me.
3 days later, I found out that winget exists.
To really stick it to windows try out Linux, there's plenty of comparable distributions with a windows feel. Else there are programs to disable and limit window's telemetry and advertisements.
winget install -e --id Mozilla.Firefox
Real Men™ compile from source!
Laughs in Arch with no preinstalled browser.
I use Arch btw.
I will always find it funny that people use Edge to download Chrome because they are essentially using Chrome to download a worse version of Chrome.
Edge have a surf game that's a clone of SkiFree:
You don't need Chrome anymore
F*ck edge and Windows all of my homies use Linux distro which Firefox is installed on them by default.
Now with googles DRM plans everyone should consider leaving chromium based Browsers.
The only way to retain the little freedom and privacy that we still have is if we start to care and put in at least a bit of resistance.
Edge has replaced Chrome for me actually. If any time Firefox doesn't work for me, or the website just runs better on Chrome, I use Edge. It's chromium, so it does everything Chrome can do, plus a few features like PDF viewing, collections, and lower resource usage than Chrome (maybe).
Edge is also what you should use whenever you're making a public presentation and need to open a browser.
Why? Because you never use edge, therefore autocomplete is almost empty which means you can type:
With full confidence that NOTHING will appear that you will not want public.
Firefox: My Web browser
Chrome: for when sites don't work with Firefox (rare)
Edge: Uninstalled
jokes on you, firefox came pre-installed on my OS 😎
laughs in Linux, with firefox preinstalled and no edge
The dinosaur game was out when you were ten? Jesus I feel old. When I was ten our home computer was still running Window 98.
Chrome is for those stupid banking websites that doesn't work with Firefox
I do not event TOUCH edge, i use powershell to download the firefox installer
Weird flex, but okay
I’ve used Edge since day 1 and it’s just like chrome, but it eats less RAM ob windows…
Still worse than asking people directly tho