Did you try feeling it in your heart? Feeling his presence? You just have to believe.
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You just have to believe.
This is what really kept me questioning as a kid. "You just have to start with the conclusion!" but what religion can't I believe if I just start with the conclusion?
Couldn't you do this with any diety you pleased?
Not if you don't want to go to the hell everyone is going to except for my religion
What about if Jainism, Judaism, Hindusim, Sikh, Buddhist, or pretty much any religion that isn't Xian or Islam is the correct one?
It is actually a bit of a challenge to find any other religions that declared you will go to hell if you don't worship a certain God. The closest I ever found was if you dissed Hades he could get back at you. Which to be fair he doesn't demand you worship him only that you bury your dead so he can get them. He just wants your dead relatives to have a proper burial not for you to tell him how awesome he is.
But just in case. Hades if you are there and listening you are awesome man. And an awesome dude like yourself totally wouldn't bring me to the bad place.
Ignoring the religions followed by over half the world's population, then I guess you'd have trouble finding such hate. There is hope?
So Hades (the land) was subdivided into shitty Tartarus and happy Elysium. If you did not properly give praise to the correct gods, mostly by worshipping the wrong ones, not only were you executed, but you'd end up in Tartarus (Hell) instead of Elysium (heaven). I think the girls you were expected to be worshipping depended on locality and time of year. Socrates is a good example of a blasphemer who was sent to Tartarus for his wrong choice of Gods
Ignoring the religions followed by over half the world’s population, then I guess you’d have trouble finding such hate. There is hope?
Islam and Xian are about a quarter of the population of the world. It doesn't feel that way because most of the rest of us either live as hardly tolerated minorities in their countries or are all living on top of each other in an equator hugging belt from India to South East Asia.
Which reminds me. I strongly encourage atheists to visit countries like Thailand. In terms of religion it is very likely what Europe was like pre 4th century or the Arab lands pre 7th century. Everyone believes what they want. Have two hundred gods or none. The syncretism and the tolerance there is amazing. I have seen Buddha statues with a cross hanging from their neck. It is nice to know that there is a better way to live.
Over 50% of the world population is Christian or Islam. Around 56%.
🎶🎶I need you Jesus, babyyyy🎶🎶
If you didn't feel it, you're a failure.
Of course if you did feel it chances are equal that you are also a failure.
I was devout and am willing to testify under oath that I felt moved at services more times than I can remember when I was a kid.
What the hell are these font choices?
Golden China Super Buffet IMPACT versus The A-Team Sans
You cannot compare religion and science. They are fundamentally different philosophies. Hence if someone tries to force one into the other they get garbeld garbage.
bro physics/chem/bio ain't easy and straightforward this shit hard man
This isn't about the mechanism we use to understand the world, just how we do.
Feel morally superior > make judgements against others > legislate your “beliefs”