Drop your samples on the edge of the launch pad, and call down extra support weapons. Then you can run in circles around, gives you the most flexibility and when you die you can get your stuff easily.
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The extraction canceled when I died though. Or I ran away to far not sure but that was the problem anyway.
I did not know it canceled when you died, were you out of reinforces, or does it always do that?
It does that. However, it could be because I was out of range of the extract when I died. Either way, when I reinforced, the extract had been canceled.
Yeah it was probably already timing out when you died. The timeout is something like 20s so it should give you plenty of time to re-enter the extraction radius after reinforcing (pretty sure even the hellpod entering the radius counts)
If the timer runs out, the pelican is called automatically. It doesn't matter if you are out of range in this way.
Well that's an option. Not great, but should work, thanks.
My default is stealth in this game, and I've been in this situation quite a few times. Having started the game with others, this first suggestion might not have been possible, but what I like to do is get the main objective out of the way, call extraction in, throw a turret right next to the terminal, drop all of my samples there too, and get right on the edge of "abandoning" extraction, prone. Enemies come, the sentry takes aggro, and I can usually extract with no shots fired. Doing this first, however, has an added benefit: as soon as the pelican is on the way (the timer reads 0), I leave extraction. The pelican hovers above extraction, and fires on anything in range. Instant everything obliterator. Then I'm free to do everything else I want to do without the stress of extraction hovering over, because extraction is hovering over (hey-o).
Outside of that last bit, the TL;DR is, in a word, stealth, and, to expound a bit, lose aggro, call extraction, drop samples at extraction, do not gain aggro, and best practice is to stay off of extraction as long as you can, so if you get swarmed, you're not swarmed on extract, but somewhere else, and extraction is kept relatively un-rowdy.
Thank you for coming to my TED talk. Edit: spelling
Yeah the staying right outside of extraction truck works amazingly well, its a great way ag to clear the end of defense missions and get samples
I've not done it, but I think keeping heat low would be key: https://youtu.be/D64d3sLRWas?si=YZvSEzqz4iwrHYsG
The, being willing to back off and try again when overwhelmed.
I guess that makes sense. I never managed to dissipate the heat so to speak, but I had to be more patient maybe.
I'm no expert though, just tossing ideas into the mix.
Bring turrets but that requires knowing ahead of time you're going out solo.
If not light armour and kite the bugs around the map to get them away from consol then run in and cut laps while you wait.
Or wait for timer to run down, then when the ship is comingin after the timers up have a stim and run