Pikmin 4, and loving it!
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There's a thread for how are you liking Pikmin 4 ( https://lemmy.world/post/1953880 ), share your review / opinion there.
Thanks for the post! If I see it out and about I might try buying the Kirby return to Dreamland game.
Otherwise if I play switch it's that pokemon scarlet and violet game set. They did a really awesome job adding ridable pokemon, auto battling, and raids. To me it's pretty much everything I asked for as a kid. The graphics leave much to be desired but if you're playing in 1080p anyways it's like who cares, you're playing for the concept anyways lol.
Nice. Glad you are loving it.
I haven't played any Kirby game yet, except for the NES (or was it SNES?) one on NSO. Want to play Kirby and the Forgotten Land though.
I go back to Scarlet and Violet too. I usually do some raiding before I go to bed.
Currently waiting for QOL updates for Techtonia, an underground factory game that just came out and is extremely tedious. But I managed to get PC Building Sim 75% off so I've been playing that along side mobile minecraft
Interesting. Never heard of the game before, going to look it up! Have fun!
I finished the main story of Tears of the Kingdom and switched to Ocarina of Time in NSO. I am also playing a bit of Slay the Spire.
New Super Mario Bros U Deluxe is really fun and I always get back to it here and there.
How is Ocarina of Time (NSO version) for someone who has never played it before? I remember there were many posts about how there are issues with the port, so I haven't tried it yet.
I don't know if they refer to technical issues or bugs. Have not encountered any yet, or at least anything memorable. But the controls are rough for someone used to modern control schemes like BotW for example. Also the screen looks too small in handheld. Unfortunately I cannot play it docked currently. The game is fun though so far and it seems to go even deeper story wise down the road. I'll update when I have played more the coming weeks.
I don't remember all the issues, but there were some issues with temples, some missing fog I think. Also some controller issues, from what I recall.
I have not encountered anything like that so far. But I am at the second dungeon at this moment. So down the way it may get worse.
That's good to know. Maybe they fixed it.
It's going to be a while before I play this. Just finished a Zelda game, and have many other game to go through before trying another Zelda game. So, just let me know how it goes.
Spirit Farer, about 25% through playing coop. I read that it might be a grind later on but so far it's been fun
No game has made me cry as much as this game did. Death Stranding is in 2nd place, but its not even close
It's a really fun game, but I didn't finish it. It's so relaxing, I kept feeling I am wasting time, and should probably play some game. π
More Dragon Quest XI for me. Iβm absolutely loving this game.
Iβve got Pikmin and Tears of the Kingdom in the queue. And you gave me an idea to play New Super Mario Bros U Deluxe. I started it once and liked it.
Iβm continuing my tour of Nintendoβs back catalog on the DS. Iβve been playing Dragon Quest V. I really like how you can get random monsters to join your team. Itβs the first Dragon Quest game Iβve ever played.
You have given me a great idea. You know I have not played any of them since Dragon Warrior on the NES? Time to catch upβ¦
I was meaning to get back to DQXI after TotK, but want to play some of the smaller games from backlog, before jumping fully back in such a long game.
NSMBUD (Wow, even in abbreviations it is such a long name!) is really fun. I am having fun, but having trouble getting all the big gold coins (the ones that are 3 in each level).
Which Pikmin do you have in queue? 4? What about the previous ones?
Pikmin 4 is the one in the queue, but I do want to go back and player the earlier ones too.
Nice. Have fun!
Paper Mario Origami King
Nice! How are you liking the game? I want to play the one available on NSO first, before getting the Origami King, but they are high on my list.
I'm in full "Starfield waiting room mode". Between this and my job taking a large portion of my time I'm disinclined to fully invest in any game. I still spend a few of hours here and there, but it's less focused and more just 'dicking around'.
WoW solocraft server is something I've been meaning to get setup for awhile. I tend to be a solo WoW player and the leveling process draws me more than endgame. The server I run is passable, but a little jenky. The space bar causes you to jump when underwater, global cooldowns have a hiccup delay, pet aggro functions incorrectly, etc.
Xenoblade 2 has been on my list for awhile. For misc reasons I gave up on the game partway through in favor of watching the cutscenes movie-style. I still want to beat the game though. The game is complex and I've been trying to get advice on a methodology for playing the game's systems. Until I get that help though I merely dabble with the game and tiptoe forward.
Gregtech NH. It's been a hot minute since I've run a minecraft mod pack. A friend mentioned them and I figured I'd do a bit of research and find what people consider to be a good one. GTNH is not new, but apparently it has had a long time to cook and is balanced and developed.
BotW may not be the shiny new TotK, but it's what I have. I didn't 100% Tears, but I saw all the story content and beat it. My copy was borrowed so afterwards I returned it. Now BotW is all I have, but it's still fun and an excellent 'dicking around for an hour' kind of game.
I want to play Starfield so much! Don't have a PC that can play it though, so thinking about getting an Xbox. But going to wait a bit a few after release, to let them fix the bugs, and for a distant chance that it may actually come to PS5 (yeah, I know, never going to happen...).
Still on Trails into Reverie.
I think I'm getting close to the end, finished Rean's Act 4 and now working on Lloyd's route. Game is a huge improvement over CS4 IMO, even though Lloyd's route is still too cheesy for my tastes.
Also, I kinda like the idea of the Reverie Corridor.
Reverie Corridor spoilers and some coments on CS4
This series tends to have a ton of sidequests, but in most games of the series the plot starts slow, and by the time it speeds up near the end the number of sidequests shrinks to focus on the main plot.
This however doesn't work on CS4, because you already start the game in a major crisis, making the classic JRPG trope of "why are you playing mini-games when the world is about to end" hit really hard.
Reverie also starts with a crisis, but takes a different approach to this: Most of the optional content takes place in this dream-like world where memories from the real world are hazy and time flows differently.
Since this is disconnected from the main story it also lets the developer play around, include characters from older games, let you mix parties from different routes, and so on.
It's an interesting approach to this problem.
Every time you mention Trails, you push me one step closer to buying Trails in the Sky SC.
Good to know the games are getting better and better, and you are still enjoying it.
Have fun!
Just to clarify, I though CS4 was one of the weakest game in the series, which is why I'm glad Reverie is a big improvement.
But even the weaker games in the series are fun, I did play CS4 for 80h-ish hours and had a good time - it just felt like a significant downgrade after CS3 which was one of my favorites.
Ah, that makes sense. Which is what I originally expected with such a big series. Some great games, and some not so great games.
Thanks for the explanation.
Exactly, it's hard to have all games be bangers when there's more than 10 of them already. But even the "worst" games are still a "B" in my opinion.
And I'm hearing very positive things about the next two (Kuro + Kuro 2) who were already released in Japan, hopefully won't be long before we get them in the west.
Too many games. This comment again nudged me a little towards getting Trials in the Sky SC!
If it was available on Switch, I would be playing it right now. Or if I had Steam Deck...
Tears of the Kingdom, one last time. I've done and collected everything I care about, which is pretty much everything except Korok Seeds, upgrading pointless armor and schematics (though I probably have all of those) and all that's left is to beat the game.
And then I'm finally free again! I can jump back into Monster Hunter Rise, which I haven't touched in two months. There's some endgame content I haven't even touched yet and I'm sure I'm rusty enough to have a very bad time! I can also finally take a look at Sealed Palace, an Ocarina of Time Rom Hack.
I probably won't get around to the next large game yet, Caligula Effect 2, which has been sitting on my shelf for a while. But I do want to finish that before Baten Kaitos releases, so I shouldn't wait too long.
How many hours did it take to reach this point in TotK? Also, do share your percentage after finishing the games (lower right corner in the map).
I haven't been able to play Monster Hunter World for couple of weeks, planning to finish a couple of smaller games before focusing on it again.
How did you like the first Caligula Effect? It's on wishlist, which is longer than Mt. Everest now, so no idea when I'll get to it. π
My final percentage was 84.83% after ~205 hours. I didn't think I'd have more than 70%, I was kinda surprised. I also forgot to add the monster medals to the list of things I don't care about.
The first Caligula was... okay. I liked it and completed it 100%, but I wouldn't recommend going that far. You can tell it was originally a Vita game, it looks quite awful. But that's also why I'm excited to play the sequel, it was made for modern hardware.
Wow, I only had 41.something. Just shows how much I still have left to do. But then again, I finished it at 90 hours, compared to your 205.
Thanks for the review. I will manage my expectations accordingly.
I'm still very slowly whittling away at Tears of the Kingdom. It's a very slow burn for me, I commonly lose interest after a half hour or so each time I pick it up. Otherwise I'm playing Fire Emblem on GBA virtual console.
In my experience, if you aren't enjoying a game, it's fine to take a break from them. You can always return to it later.
How are you liking the GBA Fire Emblem?
It's one of my favorites of all time. I played it to death in 2003, so it's a treat to relive my first foray into the franchise. Props to Smash Bros. Melee to puting it on my radar!
Yeah, Smash has got me interested in some characters, would love to try there games, if I can. It's a great game for that.
Tears of the Kingdom. I did figure out where the tear in the Hebra geoglyph was and have gotten a bunch more since then. I went madlad and completed Gerudo second of the four areas despite Gerudo usually being the hardest area in these types of Zelda games, and honestly, the only really hard part of it was the temple boss, which took me a fair number of tries and a short detour from the temple for some cooking, but I eventually beat it when I discovered a trick for the second half of the fight. Now I'm just wandering the land filling the map some more and doing a bunch of side quests and shrines where I find them before I take on the Goron area third.
EDIT: I should note I'm not wandering without an objective, I wanted to make sure I visited Kakariko and Hateno villages at least. I actually spent almost my entire three-hour play session last night in and around Hateno doing side quests.
Ah, nice. I did Gerudo last, followed the advice of Purah and didn't go to southern region until taking care of rest of the stuff.
Have fun filling the rest of the map!
I picked up my switch a couple of weeks ago. First game I picked up was Xenoblade chronicles 3 which has been a lot of fun though i think i picked up to many ganes to quuckly as im starting to fall off at level 17 i have not licked the game up in a few days. Even though at first i was hitting this game hard.l also picked up northgard great rts.
Monster train a rogue like card game where you play monsters and try to defend your crystal as you try to destroy an angel? Story is light but gameplay is so good.
Also got diablo 2 resurrected monster hunter rise and some overwatch 2. I just got the switch and I'm bouncing from thing to thing. It's really got me back into gaming.
Haha, I can understand how you feel. I didn't had PS4, so when I got PS5, I started tons of games at a time, but then I couldn't play any game properly, so I stopped most of the games, and started to focus on one game at a time.
Xenoblade Chronicles can be a tough game to get into, but it's a pretty great game if you end up liking it. It's more of a love or hate game.
These are all great choices, would love to hear from you in future to see where your gaming journey takes you!
Keep having fun!
After 100 hours of The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, I decided to take a break. From the initial 4 temples, I am just missing the one in Gerudo, but I'm on my way there and done some quests in Gerudo. But as I've mentioned before, I know I'm going to be playing this game for a while. So I'll get back to it here and there too and get a few long sessions for specific things (the temple, more of the story, etc.) every now and then.
I've been playing Pikmin 4 since Friday. I shared my initial impression on the other thread. I still agree with that after a few more hours, but it's been fun. I like that it's very relaxed and easy. Although the timer for the day keeps going, I don't have the pressure to finish in x amount of days like in Pikmin 3.
I started New Super Mario Bros. U Deluxe, have been meaning to play it since it released but there was always something else that I wanted to play first, but with Wonder releasing soon, finally started it.
I've been thinking of doing this same thing π€
Yeah, I am about the same. Going to keep playing it, want to finish most of the side quests and get the armour pieces.
Are you out of the tutorials time range? Or still getting them?
Mario is pretty great. Really enjoying it, highly recommended.
I'm past the tutorials yes, it's just the first hour or so but it's really annoying. After that you do get some text from NPCs, but it's not as annoying. It's pretty relaxed and fun now!
Ah. Okay. Thanks. Glad you are enjoying it now.