Of course these people are from Abbotsford...
British Columbia
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It's truly baffling what people will convince themselves to believe.
Just look at the number of people who believe that Canada is an authoritarian dictatorship and that Justin Trudeau is a dictator. Fear and hate can be used to convince people of anything.
I wonder if the "Queen of Canada" put them up to it? She has somehow convinced many to stop paying their mortgages while convincing them they could citizen arrest the police last year while collecting donations to put her into a super bus motor home. She was in touch with aliens.
The amount of grifting of the ignorant is bordering the TV evangelist levels these days. I now understand how easy it is for religious groups to scoop so many up in their nets.
Nah, Queen Deluded is a different flavour of crazy. She's doing it to benefit herself, whereas Freemen of the Land don't really have a figurehead they give their money to. The Freemen are usually individual idiots who listen to other dumber (but more confident) people, and have the follow-through to actually commit to their stupidity. Whereas Queen Dildo's followers are actively being duped.
Queen Dildonics is a cult leader with a collective of idiots who give money upwards, whereas the Freemen are mentally ill and broken individuals who want money for themselves based on jibberish. One is a pyramid scheme, the other is a troll-post that became real (like microwaving iPhones to charge them).
This is the chance for Queen ~~Roman Dildo~~ Romana Didulo I of Canada to offer up some of her scrip to make these people whole. I mean obviously the reason this court case failed is because they appealed to the fake court, not the real court of Her Majesty Queen Romana Didulo I of Canada. She could whip up a few millions in no time on her colour printer.
HRM Q RD I even has interdimensional security features in her scrip. Take that Bank of Canada!
They should not only pay the cost of this whole charade, but also be sentenced to undergo mandatory psychological counseling. They are clearly unwell.
Remember, their votes count as much as yours!
Another reason why democracy is the worst form of government (except for every other type that has been tried).
Yeah this is the "Free Man On The Land" movement. It's been going on for decades at this point. I've been running into them (personally, they've been around for a lot longer) since the mid-90s. Their whole schtick is that in some way or other nation states bake in this way you can (if you're crafty enough) reneg all of your quasi-legal citizenship and in return gather all of the money said nation state has "made off of you" in a lump sum. The catch is that you are now nation-less and can't get a DL or passport or whatever, and so you need to be dedicated to living in place after you do so (but rich, so whatever, in their mind).
The highest concentration of this idea I've found is/was in the koots but it's all over the place. Never heard of it outside of BC though. In 30+ years. So there's that.