The GOP attitude toward Dreamers is just another side of their bigotry, hate, and short-thinking ignorance. We, as a society, want people to have access to health care for a multitude of reasons. But not the good ol' GOP shitheads.
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When veterans cant get healthcare and illegals can, theres something very wrong. What should happen is them getting deported. Otherwise, it just encourages more illegal immigrants.
Just because we’re not taking good enough care of our veterans doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t be taking care of anyone else in our country in the meantime.
Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free
@BobaFuttbucker @Blamemeta We can try, sure, but if you're bad at something, and you decide to do more of that thing, what result would you expect?
“Bad” in this case is subjective, unless you can explain what is subpar about the healthcare being provided to the undocumented and we can agree to it?
@BobaFuttbucker When did I say there was anything subpar about the healthcare being provided to the illegals?
It seems to be your opinion that illegals are well taken care of, but the #USA isn't taking good enough care of our veterans. Would this mean that our poor treatment of veterans is intentional?
lol all I said was the quality of healthcare given to any individual depends on the observer. I made no statement of my own.
You’re just jumping to conclusions to try to find a way to be outraged, so you can position yourself as the morally superior one.
Please don’t make statements for me.
Does it not strike you as odd to say "we as a society want X, except for [approximately half of the people in our society who want the opposite of X]"?
Not really. People who don't want healthcare are saying they don't really care if diseases and misery spread to all and show an incredible, painful ignorance of science. Fuck 'em.
Yeah, you can't apeal to "society has decided X" as an argument, if you also hold that half the people in society don't count because you disagree with them. That's actually the opposite of what 'society' means in that context.
OK, I guess I should say "civilization" instead.
Keep pushing lies, liar...
Ah, Ye Olde sophist personal attack, the bastion of those with no argument to make.
Welp, you've convinced me.
It's not a personal attack. It's a statement of fact. Don't like it? Don't lie.