As always, the rich and elite caused this, and the commoners suffer.
Late Stage Capitalism
The Biden administration, everyone.
They already declared a state of emergency last week:
More equipment was sent Wednesday:
Are you critizing based solely on this post or is there a specific area you have fault with? I havent looked into the disaster much so this is an actual question, but your claim that there has been "no response" isn't true as far as I can see.
Biden bombed Syria his second day in office, but it took a week of texans freezing to death to promise some generators and mobilize no personelle for disaster relief. Texans are screaming at both the state and fed to do something, this vid is just one example.
He's also broken pretty much every campaign promise his first few weeks in office, including a minimum wage hike, student loan relief, and covid payments.
Ah so you didn't mean your generalization then.
I tend to agree with the premise behind your points otherwise, though since the reconciliation isnt complete I'm holding off on the minimum wage/payments promise being broken until we hear something closer to the final steps/moments.
It's definitely not a "new era" as far as American politics are concerned.