Opposite here. Can't concentrate unless there's silence.
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Same but I have tinnitus so I need white noise, such as a fan, going. Music is too distracting even without lyrics.
Same. I use sound to block my internal thought process. Without music my mind keeps getting swept up in thoughts and such.
Why I hate silence. My mind fills the void.
Didn't realize this was neurodivergent. Interesting, likely some overlapping going on.
Same here. Calms down one of the threads in my brain.
I usually have to have something (music, twitch, etc…) going or I’ll start talking to myself (you’ve seen this happen, lol)
Wonder what exactly? lol
I like deep hums like that of a fan or air conditioner. I used to need music to go to sleep as a child, and it took me a while to wean off of that. I still use a nightlight...
I'm the same, even asked a psychologist about it and they confirmed that it's normal.
I used to have Starcraft gameplay videos playing in background while I worked. I couldn't keep track of what was going on in the game, so it made great background noise without distracting me.
Game soundtracks are awesome for productivity! I sometimes will put the Stellaris soundtrack or Civilization soundtracks on because they keep me focused without pulling me out of my task.
depends on the day, sometimes I need background music, sometimes a podcast, and on occasion a video. I just have to be careful with video's because if its too engaging it will fully distract me.
I have a subscription to DI.FM which has a very wide range of electronic music so generally I can find the right sound/tempo for my current mood and needs.