Yep, thats what this is
Mildly Interesting
This is for strictly mildly interesting material. If it's too interesting, it doesn't belong. If it's not interesting, it doesn't belong.
This is obviously an objective criteria, so the mods are always right. Or maybe mildly right? Ahh.. what do we know?
Just post some stuff and don't spam.
Yeah, I dunno why OP put quotes on it.
My guess is OP is being sarcastic because progress to many people means more highways & cars. More construction and development.
I wish we had more of this kind of progress near me (Colorado USA).
Been in Colorado for the past week or so. You guys are a lot further ahead than Illinois is. Lots more bike paths and lanes, better traffic control that doesn't result in stop and go movement, overall a lot more green space in your shopping centers and in human spaces, also lots more walking areas.
Don't beat up your state too much, it's fantastic compared to mine. :'c
Yep, lame.
Are you suggesting this is not progress? Because this is honestly amazing.
What's the point of water if you can't chill by the water
All my homies like chilling by the water
This title is under a few layers of irony, there are similar pictures floating around of green spaces converted to highways in the US with the same title, OP is suggesting the European version actually is progress
Why the quotes? It looks much better.
Why the ""? Getting cars out of cities to improve quality of life is a major progress.
The cars are still there, in massive numbers. You just can't see the tunnel they built between those two pictures. It's right beneath the feet of the pedestrians.
At least they can´t kill cyclists and pedestrians this way and the emissions get somewhat contained. Of course this is only a compromise but on the way to car free cities it might be a useful intermediate step before we can actually get rid of carbrainitis.
That still seems better though. Less noise, safer and more usable space.
This is actual progress. I'd love for places to have more green
I agree ! We unfortunately are cutting trees in favor or roads in india !
No quotes needed this is literally progress
Ah yeah they should’ve just done the American thing instead and bulldozed the whole strip of town to put in a 20 lane wide interstate with a Bucees and Walmart/s
Why is there open and close quotations? Isn’t this progress?
Because when the word "progress" is used, it is usually a loaded term with some specific connotations. The quotes indicate this is a reference to the word "progress", not a use of the word "progress", and it's intended to draw your attention to the fact that this change, while clearly a positive and desirable one, contrasts strongly with what is usually meant when a person says it.
Yes. It’s progress indeed.
I started writing a comment of confusion because I thought I was on the mildly infuriating community not the mildly interesting community.
Overall yes this is wonderful progress that more cities need to adopt
Yes progress! Using the quotes there make it seem like you disagree that this is progress, which I will choose to believe you didn't mean it like that.
I have seen a few pictures like this from around the world. It's pretty encouraging
Why scare quotes? I lived in Düsseldorf back in '90 (go alts - that was the name of my school team, and yes it was sponsored by Alt bier 🍺... different times), it's always been one of Germany's more clean cut, upmarket cities, but this picture makes me want to go back and check it out again.
Then again, I'm a queer transfem and I'm in BERLIN, THE QUEER CAPITAL OF THE WORLD. Düsseldorf is in the last instance just meh.
Yes. Yes it is.
Look at all the people enjoying the waterfront now. It's a beautiful sight to see.
That place found its humanity again.
Nature is healing
Not sure why the quotes exist, but this is beautiful to see.
Better late than never, and I hope we can take these examples to other car-centric places to fix.
Damn, I jealous. I hope my country start investing in non-xar centric progress soon.
Every urban environment can be improved with the construction of a vague and ominous obelisk
Amazing place! I’m from there. The Rhein is amazing and it’s a great park right next to the old district.
As an American I'm just assuming that road was moved to be widened and a bunch of low income housing and many blocks worth of historic buildings were demolished in the process.
Don't worry, the historic buildings were destroyed years ago to meet minimum parking requirements