(this is your cue to stop buying animal products)
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Is there a vegan option that still supports animal cruelty? I don't mind giving up meat but I need to know that all of gods creatures will still suffer from the Dominion of mankind
Hmm well for one thing you can pollute more to make up for your smaller environmental footprint on a vegan diet, maybe get some trash fires going in the backyard, throw plastic in the ocean, that sort of thing, and then maybe watch dog fights and buy stocks in animal ag companies to help them lobby to subsidize torturing unimaginable numbers of animals?
You could eat some CEOs
They give me gas
They give lots of people lots of gas
No thanks, but I'll try and buy less at least
Wish the alternatives weren't so expensive at restaurants and the such. Honestly don't get it, whenever I cook my self, the meat is always the most expensive part, so why is vegetarian or god forbid vegan food so expensive at restaurants? Stuff like soi meat strips are dirt cheap, not to mention will likely never spoil in storage. I know like one restaurant that actually serves the meatless food cheaper, but that one generally strives to be as mass affordable as possible.
Just wait Mad Broccoli Disease is coming
Plants don't have the same receptors as animals. Disease jumping from plants to animals is much more difficult. Even the diseases that you hear about coming from plants are usually from spraying or containmention from animal manuare produced by animal agriculture
We aren't dumping 73% of the worlds antibiotics on plants like we are with animal agriculture
you’ll have a different tone of voice when the world gets hit with the Cauliflower Flu /s
Ban meat now
I have ARFID, if I stop eating meat I will literally starve to death
I also have ARFID. But basic morality lead to me becoming vegetarian when I was 10.
How were you able to accomplish this?
Edit: I want to mention that I don't mean to be rude with this comment, I am asking genuinely as it's been especially bad lately.
For me, meal replacements such as Soylent (used to be Ensure before I became vegan) are a big part of my diet. I've always had an easier time with liquids than solids.
Fortunately we're making fast advancements in cultured meat. You'll be able to eat chicken raw since cultured chicken doesn't require salmonella to live.
Too bad, a random jackass online says you need to die /s
I mean, I'm down as soon as our alternatives become affordable for low income families.
They already are. Animal flesh is most expensive. There are plenty of plant foods that are healthier and more affordable.
All those expensive beans have bankrupted MILLIONS of house holds =(((
There's an inverse relationship when it comes to income and veganism. Lower income people are more likely to be vegan than high income. Additionally, POC are significantly more likely to be vegan. The image that veganism is for rich white people is a myth.
We need more meat alternatives like dog and cat. There are millions of wild dogs and cats just waiting to be ate.
Another? What diseases are they spreading?
The H5N1 strain of bird flu is the big one right now, but it's responsible for a large amount of disease spead
Since 1940, an estimated 50% of zoonotic disease emergence has been associated with agriculture (1–3). This estimate, however, is necessarily conservative because only direct agricultural drivers are considered in the epidemiological literature, i.e., within the farm gat
The intensification of animal agriculture through confinement and industrialization has directly led to the emergence of viruses including Nipah and H5N1 influenza (“swine flu”) (18) and antibiotic-resistant infectious bacteria including methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli (19, 20).
FFS can we please not get bird flu out and trucking?
I'd prefer not to go through another pandemic.
I saw too many rail cans of body bags during the last one. (I should clarify they were empty bags but still it was fuckin horrifying as medical supplies was in super short supply except body bags)
They were the most likely culprit in the H1N1 swine flu epidemic that almost killed a guy I know (he was a pretty healthy 20-something and had to be put on a ventilator and induced coma). The cause of that epidemic was related to literal lakes of untreated pig feces generated by factory farms and likely spread to humans via flies.
Can't wait for meat being for the upper class again like in medieval times 🤡
Since 1940, an estimated 50% of zoonotic disease emergence has been associated with agriculture
If my math is right, that means 50% of zoonotic disease emergence is NOT associated with agriculture.
So logically we should kill all of our pets and and wild animals that come anywhere near humans. Sorry fluffy.... it's for the greater good! The internet memes told me to do this!
50% is a conservative estimate per the source there
Keep in mind the heavy land use also is a big factor as removes wild creatures habitats
Keep in mind the heavy land use also is a big factor as removes wild creatures habitats
But isn't that good? Less wild animals means less zoonotic disease emergence, right?
No, it means you have increased wild creatures contact in areas where humans are. It means the creatures themselves will move around more than they normally might looking for somewhere to live
Per the source
Deforestation and conversion to human-dominated systems drive the loss, turnover, and homogenization of biodiversity and expose adjacent human communities to wildlife harboring microbes that can become zoonotic pathogens with pandemic potential (5).
No, it means you have increased wild creatures contact in areas where humans are. It means the creatures themselves will move around more than they normally might looking for somewhere to live
So the solution is to kill the animals that come near us. Clearing the land of forest will make it easier to spot the disease bearing animals from a distance allowing us to kill them from further away!
Seriously though, trying to scour around for any random fact to prove meat is bad isn't an effective tactic. Factory farms that are cruel exists which is a strong point, so coming up with random factoids just invites silly debates about those factoids which only distracts from the stronger points about factory farms. Global Warming from cow farts is a pretty strong point too.
You aren't going to convince anyone to give up meat with random weak arguments. But you might get people to reduce the amount meat they eat, and choose more ethically produced meat with the more stronger arguments around factory farms. People may not become pure vegan, but if the goal is see fewer animals living in bad conditions, convincing people to reduce meat intake and have preference for meat not coming from factory farms would be a big win, wouldn't it?
The spread also comes from intensive factory farming. Having billions of creatures in extremely close contact is a major source of the disease spread in animal agriculture
This is not some random fact, it's been a major point for epidemiologists. For instance, antibiotic resistance is heavily tied to animal agriculture which uses 73% of the entire global antibiotic supply (source)
Ignoring the majority of these things is not sensible to do. Advocating for killing all wild life is not going to be sensible nor even close to pratical politicy
And it doesn't even solve the spread of disease from farm animals who again directly cause 50% of zoonetic disease spread. The 50% figure was not including land use change. The creatures themselves are shipped around all over and put in those crampt conditions that are ripe for disease