He should probably withdraw... and stop raping
United States | News & Politics
Him being a monster, latest proof, isn't news because it is so well known that he is a monster. They like that about him.
I legitimately think they believe the federal courts have it in for him because the news only is opinion and never airs the allegations
But he's good for the economy!
But did you guys hear that Joe Biden is old??!?!?
He also has my bed time, I'm 30 yrs younger than him
clearly the candidates are exactly the same so we should not vote in the election
Thank God the Daily Boulder is covering this.
What a fucking dumpster fire of a website.
Odd mine looks much different
Ad blocker? I've never installed one on my phone.
I use ublock origin on my Firefox default but this seems to have opened in chrome since it was a redirect. I'm honestly not sure lol
+1000 anytime I accidentally open a link in Chrome I'm reminded how utterly unusable the "modern" Internet is without ad blocking at a bare minimum
52$ for pistachio? WTF
Facing increased scrutiny for raping children is appropriate. Also appropriate , facing 15 years in prison for raping children. Of course unless it was an official act by the president.
Rape of a child should be more than 15 years in prison.
Technically, if he obstructed the case while president by ordering his DOJ to drop it or obviscate it, it could be considered an official act.
the person that authored the article is named "STAFF WRITER" which I support using.
the story is not the author's identity.
Conservatives are A+ 100% OK with raping a child, even with violence. Their religion does not oppose it and neither does their political leadership.
Renewed scrutiny huh?
I want to know why the scrutiny needed to be renewed. Why did scrutiny diminish under these kinds of allegations?
I can see from the comments something about this being affected by him becoming president, and I'm left here thinking, shouldn't the FBI/CIA/enforcement agencies, be able to operate without the president getting all up in their business?
That's just sad, honestly. I won't assume Trump is guilty until he is convicted of the crime, but there should be nothing that can prevent law enforcement from fully investigating what happened and providing justice for that girl.
The fact that this is a headline at all is pretty dark.
How much do I gotta rape to be the president?
Okay, question: NOW??!!
Fuck that guy with a red hot poker but this is an issue NOW??!!
prediction: nothing will come of this because it's a weak attempt at electoral October Surprising
Define scrutiny?
dang so thats why he anti-abortion
Im sorry but raping minors only makes him more of a right candidate for the job.
The Rights*
The website doesn't seem to be trustworthy when it comes to news - https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/the-daily-boulder-bias/