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O. K.
Oh, Kay!
оκ (homograph attack edition)
Olle Korrekt.
"oll korrect"
"And stop saying OK all the time, okay?"
...... ok.
Did not think Oklahoma was that popular but okay
🎶 … where the wind comes sweepin' down the plain
And the wavin' wheat can sure smell sweet
When the wind comes right behind the rain 🎶
"Yea, OKAY"
I wonder if future societies will look back and think we pronounced it as one sound like "ock"
Since it exists in about 10 different written forms... No.
It's got a ring to it, okay? Geez.
The fact that there are 2 the's in this title makes me question that....
... but then you remembered that there are 8,000 languages in the world other than English, and recalled that "ok" has been borrowed into a ton of them.
Surprised it isn't the bazillion iterations of mom.
It's the one word I can pick out when my wife is speaking Tagalog. That and the occasional Spanish phrase.
Yeah, I think I've heard literally all of my international colleagues use it talking to each other. German, Spanish, Arabic, Hebrew, Chinese...
I'm surprised it isn't 'fuck'
Noooo I can't believe I read all of that I nées to go est ;-;