So Uganda Drinks 14L of "other" but doesn't appear at all in the total consumption?
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Maybe these alcohols aren't pure alcohols in of itself, just the drink overall.
EDIT: It's pure alcohol. This stat is wack.
Both charts are in L of pure alcohol. I feel like they are not the "top counties" but just a random selection. And the selection is different for both charts.
TLDR chart bad
Also Moldovia drinks the most alcohol but is 9th in wine, 10th in spirits and doesn't even rank top 10 in any of the other categories...
I don't even drink alcohol but it is an affront to Germany that the beer in this image is depicted with fucking plastic cups instead of beer mugs.
Ah yes. The germans always need something to complain. This info graphic doesn't force you to drink your beer from red cups.
Nur Nörgler und Meckerer hier.
We wouldn't even know where to find red cups...
Meckern ist meine kultur
Ja dann sprich für DICH und nicht was "Deutschland" beleidigt. Ist nicht jeder so engstirnig und spießig wie du.
"in 14 years they're decomposable" really?
I believe this is a silly drinking song, not a scientific paper to be cited.
I believe many people will take it as fact upon hearing it lol
Denmark and Slovakia have their flags (or labels) swapped
Probably labels, since they are also not in the correct sort order...
I find it really weird cider is grouped in with other. Speaking of other. Why is NZ in such a weird placement?
Also I know the Aussie drink pre mixed shit, does that just come under spirits?
I have read here on lemmy that "being sober is a super power" and I do want to be a super hero too.
So take care people, IWDWYT [email protected]
I will drink water you turds?
I won’t drink with you today
As an American I think it's probably best that we stay off the top of this list. Way, way off.
Not too sure about Andorra, it's a tax haven so people go there to load up on smokes & booze (and hopefully get them across the border)
I'm thinking Denmark gets a bit of a boost in these numbers from Swedes going across the border to buy cheaper alcohol. It's legal to do, but they fine a lot of Swedes for overloaded cars and trailers coming back.
I doubt many Swedes living close to Denmark even knows where their local monopoly is. Just kidding, all Swedes can sense where the Systembolag is.
Probably the same story with Andorra.
Korea spoiling the European sweep
Guess I know which country I'm going to when I go to Asia.
Russia and Hungary should lay off the Booze
Il n'y a pas un problème entre les statistiques du haut et celles du bas? (Cf l'Ouganda). J'ai été voir sur les commentaires du post Reddit original mais n'ai pas trouvé de réponse pertinente. Les mêmes questions cependant
Le haut calcule en litres d'alcool pur, le bas en litres de boisson. Il faut plus de litres de bière que de litres de spiritueux pour avoir un litre d'alcool pur. J'imagine qu'en Ouganda on boit beaucoup d'une boisson peu alcoolisée.
Édit : c'est faux, je devrais pas poster pas réveillé 😅
En bas: "Choose your poison... In litres of pure alcohol"
Non... "In litres of pure alcohol consumed per capita"
Ah oui en effet, j'étais mal réveillé 😅