Free stairs!!
Most people don't know this, but there is no law prohibiting you from just taking any ominous stairs you happen upon in the woods. I have like 20 of them at home already.
(I'm stacking them to hopefully one day reach hell)
Inspired by r/nosleep, but without the "Everything here is true" and "You can't criticize the OP" rule. Post your scariest original short stories here.
Rules are simple:
Free stairs!!
Most people don't know this, but there is no law prohibiting you from just taking any ominous stairs you happen upon in the woods. I have like 20 of them at home already.
(I'm stacking them to hopefully one day reach hell)
...Keep me abreast of your exploits.
🎼A tower of stone, to take him straight to the sky.
In Belgium, we have the same thing. The explanation is that the highest point of the country is at 694 m, so they built 6 m of stairs to reach 700 m.
they're so real for that
Walk up to the top, slide down on the rail, hurt myself and die in the forest.
Shia LaBeouf
Me: "Yeah... No fucking way i'll go up that."
My hiking expert friend: "Good, you already know of the curse."
[Me at my first hiking experience; Sweating and cursing, with every single muscle of my body screaming in pain] "What curse?"
I was gonna say... All the comments here are people wanting to ascend the stairs. You NEVER ascend the stairs. You stay the hell away from them! Only bad things come from messing with random stairs in the woods. Has no one here read the Search and Rescue Officer stories on Reddit?!
Here's the beginning of his series. The last story on this page is about the stairs, but if you continue reading his other posts in the series, he eventually meets another SAR officer who goes into depth about horror stories involving the stairs.
I always imagined the stairs from that story to be either wooden or stone, without railings, and more dilapidated than in OP's pic.
In some of his stories, he described the stairs as being perfect and brand-new, as if a modern house just disappeared and left behind its stairs.
It somehow makes it more creepy that they look like they've just been misplaced in space/time, instead of being an ancient crumbling relic of the past.
I always imagined the stairs inaccurately!
Oh yes, good old Reddit times. Good to some the fellow travelers ended up here.
Idk how id react to seeing stairs, but I did stumble across these pillars in the middle of the forest...
Stand at the top with carry-on luggage and wait.
F5, chunks havent loaded correctly
You mean F3 + A. F5 changes your view perspective.
You're right, I'm too used to browser shortcuts (-_-' )
The view should be nice up there. Let's go there to take some panoramic shots.
Someone tried to build a stairway to heaven but got bored when the song ended.
Or just thought things through, stopped building & started digging.
Shia LaBeouf
Thank you.
Piss from the top of it.
Where's the SCP when you need them?
Here: [email protected] 0w0
Well, somebody get someone to dispatch a Mobile Task Force stat, or we're going to end up with some eldritch abomination popping through a portal, tap dancing down those stairs and eating everyone's eyeballs. I mean, we're probably going to end up with that anyway, but I'd feel a lot more comfortable knowing there's a MTF on standby.
Never go up those without a shotgun and a chain gun. Doom taught me that much.
Up we go
Someone's seed vault has begun to float over the mud.
Look for a copy of photoshop nearby?
Go to the top and check for an invisible door/gate
(in black-bordered white Impact) “INVISIBLE AIRLINER”
So that’s where they put the stairway to heaven after Led Zeppelin used it for their music video.
Why yes, I will dive into the river from up there.
"ſtaires! We haue found ſtaires!"