Sometimes it really feels like CCP has never heard of Streisand effect. Snowflakes, LMAO
Genuine news and discussion about China
With the censorship on Chinese internet and even of their own foreign ministry archives they don't deal with the streisand effect nearly as much.
Like, wait. Why did he think this wasn’t going to happen when he went to China to visit family?
He might have. If so,a brave move, but maybe a bit brazen. Like Navalny
In a sense, it may be a performance too, as if the modern China was the family he visited.
You are suggesting that this is another form of art to show how bad China has gotten? I don’t know… he’s throwing his life away to preach to the choir, and Chinese citizens are not going to be motivated by his sacrifice. Or are you suggesting that he got batman’d into China jurisdiction and this was the reason given to cover the fact he was extrajudicially kidnapped to silence him and prevent nations from implementing sanctions?
Your comment was shorter in the first couple of hours. Why didn't you add new parts as another paragraph?
I don't suggest anything or suspect\judge his motives. I've told you what I've seen: from the outsider's perspective it can be seen as a performance, or a tale, without touching his unintentions at all.
Him coming home to China (both China as his family and China as the CCP) is a powerful and a very simplistic plot point. The hero is conflicted between the fact it's dangerous to go back and his own need to reconnect with his kin whatever it takes. I feel like a lot of people sharing his faith of an immigrant can relate to it.
?? I posted that yesterday. Were you looking at another one of my other posts?
You comm says 18h ago.
ah yes great leap forward and cultural revolution, actions worthy of much praise for the heroes behind them