$27,000 does not seem like enough money to endure 27 bee stings simultaneously.
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Movie is from 1992, so it would be 60k today. Still not enough considering what famous movie actors make.
I'd do it every day this week
They signed him a blank cheque. I bet he was doing everything he could to get stung.
Dude should have asked for at least 10k/sting could have walked out with a cool $270,000 instead
For $270,000 I will let 27 American honeybees sting me. No Africanized bees allowed!
Dude I’d do this for 10% of that fee. Sure stings hurt, but not that much and it passes.
I think that's on top of the regular salary
IDK it kinda sounds like they just fired the animal handler and gave him their $27K.
Maybe it was over a few takes or something…
Without knowing anything about it, I'd wager that it's generally not a good idea to mess around too much with a hive.
And picking out a bunch of drones in the amount used in film would no doubt rile up the swarm.
The way they do it is likely the best, safest and least invasive way of using live bees in a film setting.
You could be right, but they literally shove the drones out to die when winter comes so I don't think they value them all that highly compared to the workers which are the stinging ones.
maybe he was still in character as Kurn and took the challenge as yet another pointless Klingon pain ritual.
kurn was the best. his outing in deep space nine was a let down, i love kurn.
They paid him "a one thousand dollars" for every sting? Pretty good deal.
Why did they sting him?
Have you ever put a large amount of bees in your mouth? I haven't personally, but I can't imagine the bees wouldn't take too kindly to it.
To earn him $1000, of course.
He gave them a cut of the money.
Holy shit is that Pure Luck? Haven't seen that shit in 30+ years
Got stung by about 20 bees once (amateur beekeeping incident, taught us to wear proper clothing). Had a fever for a couple days after and did not enjoy it a single bit. $20k though...